
溴吡斯的明与左旋多巴联合激发试验峰值时间的探讨 被引量:3

Exploration on Peak Time of Combined Provocative Test of Pyridostigmine Bromide and Levodopa
摘要 目的:探讨溴吡斯的明与左旋多巴在生长激素(GH)激发试验中应用及峰值出现时间,以减少多次采血给患儿带来的痛苦。方法:选取2018年1-8月在我院内分泌科就诊的需接受溴吡斯的明与左旋多巴联合激发试验的矮小症患儿88例,对生长激素峰值出现时间进行分析。结果:生长激素峰值出现在药物联合应用后30~60 min的患儿共69例(78. 41%),其中在用药后60 min出现峰值的患儿达40例(45. 45%),而在用药后90~120 min出现峰值的患儿仅14例(15. 91%),与30~60 min出现峰值的患儿例数比较差异有统计学意义(χ2=68. 97,P<0. 01)。结论:溴吡斯的明与左旋多巴联合激发试验在药物联合应用后30~60 min出现峰值较多,90~120 min出现峰值较少,为减少患儿痛苦,可减少用药后120 min的抽血,该结论可在临床推广。 Objective: To probe into the application of pyridostigmine bromide and levodopa in growth hormone( GH) provocative test and the peak time of GH consistence,so as to further reduce the pain caused by repeated blood collection in children. Methods: Totally88 children of short stature with provocative test of pyridostigmine bromide and levodopa admitted into endocrinology department of our hospital from Jan. to Aug. 2018 were extracted. The peak time of GH consistence was analyzed. Results: The peak time of GH consistence occurred in 69 cases( 78. 41%) after 30 to 60 min of drug combination,among which 40 cases( 45. 45%) showed the peak after 60 min,while only 14 cases( 15. 91%) showed the peak after 90 to 120 min,the difference was statistically significant( χ2=68. 97,P<0. 01). Conclusion: In the combined provocation test of pyridostigmine bromide and levodopa,more cases would reach the peak time of GH consistence after application from 30 to 60 min and less after application from 90 to 120 min. Therefore,intravenous blood collection should be reduced after treatment of 120 min,which can be applied in clinical practice.
作者 盛微 林琴 Sheng Wei;Lin Qin(Children's Hopital of Chongqing Medical Uninersity,Ministry of Education Key laboratory of Child Derelopment and Disorders,China International Science and Technology Cooperation Base of Child Derelopment and Critical Disorders,Chongqing Key Laboratory of Pediatrics,Chongqing 400014,China)
出处 《儿科药学杂志》 CAS 2020年第10期21-23,共3页 Journal of Pediatric Pharmacy
关键词 溴吡斯的明 左旋多巴 生长激素激发试验 矮小症 pyridostigmine bromide levodopa provocative test of growth hormone short stature
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