
中国绿孔雀种群现状评估 被引量:2

An Estimation of the Current Population Size of Green Peafowl(Pavo muticus imperator)in China
摘要 濒危物种绿孔雀目前仅分布于中国云南省。2015—2018年,采用信访和野外调查对云南中部、南部和西部的绿孔雀种群现状和分布进行了调查。野外调查包括样线法、样点法和访问调查。结果表明,中国现存野生绿孔雀种群数量较20多年前800—1100只大幅度减少,约为235—280只。在云南的分布范围较1995年的32个县缩减至13个县。绿孔雀栖息环境主要是热带、亚热带常绿阔叶林和林型较为开阔的低密度思茅松林。由于栖息地碎片化严重,绿孔雀现存种群呈小家族群点状隔离分布。通过重建圈养种群和重引入生物学研究将有助于野生绿孔雀种群复壮。 The endangered green peafowl(Pavo muticus imperator)in China is now only found in Yunnan Province.With the aim of assessing the species current status and providing a scientific basis for its protection,we conducted letter surveys and field investigations in the central,southern and western parts of Yunnan Province from 2015 to 2018.In field investigations,we used line transect analysis,sample point methods and interview surveys to record the population and distribution of green peafowl.There were about 235-280 green peafowl in China,which has significantly decreased from the 800-1,100 individuals 20 years ago.The distribution range has been sharply reduced from 32 counties in 1995 to the current 13 counties of Yunnan Province.The birds prefer to live in tropical and subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests and low-density Simao pine trees(Pinus kesiya)along the river valleys in Yunnan Province.However,because of habitat destruction and fragmentation,they now live in small isolated family groups with very limited distribution.We hope that green peafowl populations can be recovered by creating a captive population which might eventually be used to reinforce the dwindling wild population,and also by introducing biological research in the key distribution zones.
作者 李淑红 崔多英 滑荣 John CORDER 张敬 刘佳 黄松 郭光 罗爱东 常江 普天春 张成林 李晓光 LI Shuhong;CUI Duoying;HUA Rong;John CORDER;ZHANG Jing;LIU Jia;HUANG Song;GUO Guang;LUO Aidong;CHANG Jiang;PU Tianchun;ZHANG Chenglin;LI Xiaoguang(Beijing Key Laboratory of Captive Wildlife Technologies,Beijing Zoo,Beijing,100044,China;World Pheasant Association,Middle,Ninebanks,Hexham,Northumberland,NE478DL,UK;Kunming Zoo,Kunming,650021,China;Wildlife Conservation and Management Bureau of Lincang City,Lincang,Yunnan,677000,China;Management Bureau of Yunnan Xishuangbanna National Nature Reserve,Jinghong,Yunnan,666100,China;State Key Laboratory of Environmental Criteria and Risk Assessment,Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences,Beijing,100012,China)
出处 《野生动物学报》 北大核心 2020年第4期1080-1084,共5页 CHINESE JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE
基金 a grant of the National Natural Science Foundation of China(31470460) biodiversity survey,monitoring and assessment project of Ministry of Ecology and Environment of China(2019HB2096001006) ‘Field Rescue and Breeding of Rare and Endangered Species’project by National Forestry and Grassland Administration of China。
关键词 绿孔雀 种群数量 分布 栖息地 中国 Green peafowl Population number Distribution Habitat China
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