
引汉济渭工程西安调蓄库规划选址分析 被引量:1

Analysis of Planning and Site Selection of Xi'an Storage Reservoir for the Hanjiang-to-Weihe River Water Diversion Project
摘要 引汉济渭工程调水过程极不均匀,供水和用水需求匹配性较差,需要在受水端西安区域设置4.6亿m 3调蓄库,用以调节来水过程,发挥工程的供水功能。根据引汉济渭输配水工程总体布局,结合西安区域各受水支线河流分布、地形地质条件、生态环境保护及移民征地拆迁等重要制约因素,按照合理避让环境敏感区、尽量减少对城市集镇和重要基础设施影响、尽量利用已有水库、天然河流沟道形成库盆、尽量靠近分水口及水厂位置、高度重视水库运维安全等原则进行调蓄库选址。 The water distribution during the diversion process of the Hanjiang-to-Weihe River Diversion Project is extremely uneven,and the water supply and water demand is poorly matched.It is necessary to set up a 460 million m 3 storage reservoir at the receiving end of Xi'an to regulate the incoming water and give full play to the water supply function of the project.According to the overall layout of the Hanjiang-to-Weihe River Diversion Project,combined with the distribution of water-receiving rivers in Xi'an area,topographic and geological conditions,ecological environment protection and resettlement land acquisition and demolition and other important constraints,the site of the storage reservoir is selected in accordance with the principle that environmentally sensitive areas be avoided,impact on urban areas and important infrastructures be alleviated,natural river channels be used to form reservoir basins,try to be as close as possible to the water outlet and water plants,and attach great importance to the safety of reservoir operation and maintenance.
作者 王静 刘战平 李玉洁 WANG Jing;LIU Zhanping;LI Yujie(Powerchina Northwest Engineering Corporation Limited,Xi'an 710065,China)
出处 《西北水电》 2020年第S01期31-35,40,共6页 Northwest Hydropower
关键词 引汉济渭 西安 调蓄库选址 Hanjiang-to-Weihe Water Diversion Project Xi'an storage reservoir site selecting
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