
微小零件吸附式精确抓取、释放装置设计 被引量:1

Design of Adsorption Type Precise Grabbing and Releasing Device for Small Parts
摘要 针对目前国内、外对于微小零件采用人工装配方式存在抓取、释放效率低,装配精度差的问题,提出吸附式微小零件精确抓取、释放方案,设计微小零件吸附式精确抓取、释放装置。通过控制气压让吸附头形成真空产生正、负压力差,并配合视觉引导系统精确抓取或释放微小零件,实现自动化装配,以提高抓取、释放效率及装配精度。 In view of the problems of low efficiency of grasping and releasing and poor assembly accuracy when manual assembly method is adopted for micro parts at home and abroad, a scheme of accurate grasping and releasing of micro parts by adsorption was proposed, and the device for accurate grasping and releasing of micro parts was designed. By controlling the air pressure, the suction head can form a vacuum to produce a positive and negative pressure difference,and cooperate with the visual guidance system to accurately grasp or release the micro parts to realize automatic assembly, so as to improve the efficiency of grasping and releasing and the assembly accuracy.
作者 魏国军 Wei Guojun(School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,City College of Huizhou,Huizhou,Guangdong 516025,China)
出处 《机电工程技术》 2020年第9期161-162,共2页 Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Technology
关键词 微小零件 吸附式 抓取 释放装置 设计 micro parts adsorption grasp release device design
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