
足三阴经经穴体表微循环反映月经周期变化规律研究 被引量:7

Changes of microcirculation in superficial tissues of acupoint regions of lower leg during menstrual cycle in healthy young girls
摘要 目的:观察生理状态下胞宫相关经穴体表微循环在月经周期中的变化,探求生理状态下胞宫相关经穴体表微循环变化的特异性规律,为经穴反映功能的特异性提供实验依据。方法:招募90例健康女大学生,选取与胞宫相关的足三阴经原穴、郄穴、足三阴经交会穴(三阴交),脾经非特定穴(血海),非相关经穴(悬钟)以及非经非穴作为测试点,通过激光散斑血流成像技术观察这些测试点在月经期、卵泡期、排卵期和黄体期的微循环血流灌注量变化规律。结果:右侧地机穴月经期血流灌注量低于排卵期和黄体期(P<0.05),卵泡期低于排卵期(P<0.05);左侧中都穴月经期血流灌注量低于卵泡期、排卵期、黄体期(P<0.05)。地机、三阴交、太溪、水泉穴在各时期同名穴位左侧血流灌注量均大于右侧(P<0.05),悬钟穴在各时期右侧血流灌注量均大于左侧(P<0.05);血海穴在排卵期左侧穴位血流灌注量大于右侧(P<0.05),太白穴在月经期、非经非穴在黄体期右侧穴位血流灌注量均大于左侧(P<0.05)。结论:脾经地机和肝经中都穴体表微循环可特异性反映生理状态下胞宫气血变化。 Objective To observe changes of microcirculation in the superficial regions of acupoints of the three Yin meridians of foot during the menstrual cycle in young college students,so as to provide experimental evidence for explaining the saying of traditional Chinese medicine that acupoints reflect the state of physiological and pathological activities of the internal organs.Methods Ninety healthy female volunteer college students were recruited in the present study.The subjects were asked to take a supine position on an examination couch to expose the Yuan-primary acupoints Taixi(KI3),Taibai(SP3)and Taichong(LR3),and Xi-cleft acupoints Shuiquan(KI5),Diji(SP8)and Zhongdu(LR6)which are related to the uterus of the three Yin meridians of foot,the crossing acupoints of the three Yin meridians of foot Sanyinjiao(SP6),non-specific acupoint of the Spleen meridian Xuehai(SP10),non-related meridian acupoint Xuanzhong(GB39)and non-meridian-non-acupoint(being at the same level of GB39,between the Stomach and Gallbladder meridians on the lateral aspect of the lower leg).The laser speckle blood flow imaging technique was used to detect the state of microcirculation(average blood perfusion volume)during menstrual,follicular,ovulatory and luteal phases.Results The average blood perfusion volume(ABPV)of the right SP8 region was significantly lower in the menstrual phase than in the ovulation and luteal phases(P<0.05),and in the follicular phase than in the ovulation phase(P<0.05).In the left LR6 region,the ABPV was obviously lower in the menstrual period than in the follicular,ovulation and luteal phases(P<0.05).In the SP8,SP6,KI3 and KI5 regions,the ABPV was significantly higher in each of the 4 phases on the left side than on the right side(P<0.05).In the right GB39,the ABPV in each of the 4 phases was apparently higher on the right side than on the left side(P<0.05).In the SP10 region,the ABPV was considerably higher on the left side than on the right side in the ovulation period(P<0.05).The ABPV of SP3 in the menstrual phase and that of the non-acupoint in the luteal phase were significantly higher on the right side than on the left side(P<0.05).Conclusion The blood perfusion of microcirculation in the superficial tissues of Xi-cleft acupoints SP8 and LR6 is obviously lower in the menstrual phase than in both of the ovulation and luteal phases in healthy young college students,which may specifically reflect the periodical activities of the uterus in the physiological state,and provide a basis of acupoint selection for menstrual healthy care.
作者 宋晓丹 潘丽佳 佘延芬 范玺胜 高亚玉 陈豪 徐媛媛 于傲天 李天玉 王炳成 SONG Xiao-dan;PAN Li-jia;SHE Yan-fen;FAN Xi-sheng;GAO Ya-yul;CHEN Hao;XU Yuan-yuan;YU Ao-tian;LI Tian-yu;WANG Bing-cheng(College of Acupuncture-moxibustion and Massage,Hebei University of Chinese Medicine,Shijiazhuang 050200,China;Emergency Department of Hebei People's Hospital,Shijiazhuang 050051)
出处 《针刺研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第9期740-745,共6页 Acupuncture Research
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(No.81573884、81973755) 国家自然科学基金青年项目(No.81603542) 河北省研究生创新资助项目(No.XCXZZSS2019003)。
关键词 足三阴经经穴 激光散斑 微循环 血流灌注量 月经周期 Acupoints of foot three Yin meridians Laser speckle Microcirculation Blood perfusion Periodical activities of menstruation
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