
台湾头社盆地湖沼相沉积孢粉记录的6.2~1.3 cal ka BP以来气候研究 被引量:2

Climate Studies since 6.2-1.3 cal ka BP Recorded by Palynological Records of Lacustrine-Marsh Facies Sediments in the Toushe Basin,Taiwan
摘要 头社盆地位于中国台湾省中部,东亚季风区的最前沿,对东亚季风的响应十分敏感,研究其中晚全新世以来古植被、重建古气候序列,探讨其气候与东亚夏季风的关系具有重要的科学意义。文章对头社盆地泥炭—湖泊沉积的AMS14C测年、体积磁化率测试的基础上,基于孢粉记录,重建晚全新世来植被变化,恢复古气候。结果表明全新世中晚期以来分六个阶段:6.2~6.0 cal ka BP,气候凉干,植被类型是亚热带常绿阔叶林;6.0~4.0 cal ka BP,气候转暖湿,植被类型为含较多热带成分的亚热带常绿阔叶林;4.0~2.2 cal ka BP,气候相对凉干,植被类型转为亚热带常绿阔叶林;2.2~1.9 cal ka BP,气候又变暖湿;1.9~1.7 cal ka BP,气候快速冷干事件,森林退化;1.7~1.3 cal ka BP,气候重转温暖湿润,植被类型为接近现代的沼泽草原。整体上6.2~2.2 cal ka BP的气候变化是由温暖湿润向温凉干燥转变的趋势,这是全新世中晚期以来的太阳辐射量减少所导致的,太阳辐射量的减少导致热带辐合南移,进而导致东亚夏季风减弱,而2.2 cal ka BP之后气候波动较大,可能是在东亚夏季风减弱的背景下,ENSO活动加强与人类活动的干扰下耦合的结果。 Toushe Basin is located in the central part of Taiwan Province.It is the forefront of the East Asian monsoon area in China.It is very sensitive to the response of the East Asian monsoon.It is of great scientific significance to study the paleovegetation and reconstruct the paleoclimate since the Mid-Late Holocene,and to explore the relationship between the climate and the East Asian summer monsoon.Based on the AMS14 C dating and volumetric magnetic susceptibility measurements of peat-lake sediments in Toushe Basin,the vegetation changes since the Mid-Late Holocene were reconstructed and paleoclimate was reconstructed on the basis of Palynologyrecords.The results show that there are six stages since the middle and late Holocene:6.2-6.0 cal ka BP,the climate was cool and dry,the vegetation type was subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest;6.0-4.0 cal ka BP,the climate was warm and humid,the vegetation type was subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest with more tropical components;4.0-2.2 cal ka BP,the climate was relatively cool and dry,and the vegetation type turns to subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest;2.2-1.9 cal ka BP,climate was warm and humid;1.9-1.7 cal ka BP,climate was drying rapidly,forest degradation;1.7-1.3 cal ka BP,climate is warm and humid again,vegetation type is similar to modern marsh grassland.As a whole,the climate change of 6.2 to 2.2 cal ka BP is a trend from warm and humid to warm and cool and dry.This is caused by the decrease of solar radiation since activities the middle and late Holocene.The decrease of solar radiation leads to the southward of ITCZ,which leads to the weakening of the East Asian summer monsoon.After 2.2 cal ka BP,the climate fluctuates greatly,possibly caused by weakening of the summer monsoon,coupling with ENSO activities and human activities were strengthened.
作者 黄振辉 马春梅 齐士峥 赵琳 HUANG Zhenhui;MA Chunmei;CHYI Shyhjeng;ZHAO Lin(School of Geography and Ocean Science,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210023,China;Jiangsu Collaborative Innovation Center for Climate Change,Nanjing 210023,China;Department of Geography,Kaohsiung Normal University,Kaohsiung 80201,China)
出处 《高校地质学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第5期592-600,共9页 Geological Journal of China Universities
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(41671196)资助。
关键词 中晚全新世 东亚夏季风 古气候 孢粉纪录 Mid-Late Holocene East Asian summer monsoon paleoclimate palynology records
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