运用内容分析法、问卷调查法、数理统计法等研究方法,选取腾讯网和新浪网两大门户网站2018年平昌冬奥会专题报道为媒体研究样本,以关注平昌冬奥会赛事前后同一受众群体为网络调查对象,利用IBM SPSS Statistics 22.0软件,对内容分析获得的"媒介议程"数据和问卷调查获得的"受众议程"数据进行综合处理,通过皮尔森线性相关和独立样本T检验,定量分析假设是否成立,以此验证媒介议程与受众议程之间的相关性,为我国网络视域下提升大型体育赛事的议程设置和舆论引导力,为2022年北京—张家口冬奥会媒体传播实践提供参考。通过实证分析得出:在媒介议程设置方面,网络媒介通过报道频次强调议题重要性;通过页面设计凸显议程的显著性;通过辅助手段增强议程的互动性。在受众议程设置方面,赛事前后受众议程呈现一定差异性;公众的关注程度并不都随着媒体议题显著度的变化而明显变化;受众议程已从最初的"媒介议程影响公众议程"延展到媒体议程以外的多种复杂变量对受众议程的影响,大众媒体与受众之间呈现相互引导和相互构建议程的现象。在网络媒介议程与受众议程相关性方面,网络媒介议程与受众议程呈中度相关性,假设1成立;受众关注各类议题程度呈显著性差异,假设2不完全成立;网络媒介间议程设置情况呈高度相关性,假设3成立。
Through the methods of content analysis,questionnaire investigation,mathematical statistics,taking the special reports of PyeongChang Olympic Winter Games on the two portals of Tencent and Sina as study samples,and taking the same audiences as internet survey objects before and after the Games,this study processed the data from the content analysis of"media agenda"and questionnaire investigation of"audience agenda"by IBM SPSS Statistics 22.0.Through Pearson correlation and T-test of independent samples,this study made a quantitative analysis of the assumptions to prove the relativity between media agenda and audience agenda,and to provide references for the improvement of agenda settings and public opinions leadings of major sporting events from the perspective of net in China,and for the practice of media communication of 2022 Olympic Winter Games.Through the empirical research,the conclusions can be drawn as follows.On media agenda settings,network media emphasize the importance of agenda through reporting frequency;highlight the significance of the agenda through page design;and enhance the interactivity of topics through auxiliary means.On audience agenda settings,audience agenda shows some differences before and after the events;public concerns do not have obvious changes with the significance of media agenda changing;audience agenda extends from the initial stage of"media agenda influencing public agenda"to the influences of multiple complex variables except media agenda on audience agenda,and the mass media and the audience guide each other and construct the agenda mutually.In terms of the relevance between the network media agenda and the audience agenda,there is a moderate correlation between the network media agenda and the audience agenda,which means that Hypothesis 1 is tenable;the audience concerns on various topics show significant differences,which means that Hypothesis 2 is partly right;and the agenda settings among network media show a high relativity,which means that Hypothesis 3 is tenable.
LI Fang;LIU Qing;YU Xiao-guang(School of Management and Journalism,Shenyang Sport University,Shenyang 110102,Liaoning China)
Journal of Beijing Sport University