

Quality Analysis of Jujube and Persimmon Mixed Fermentation Distilled Liquor
摘要 以磨盘柿鲜果与新疆骏枣为原料按照不同比例发酵蒸馏生产50 o左右的混合蒸馏酒,在蒸馏酒发酵过程中测定可溶性固形物和发酵罐中pH的变化。通过对蒸馏酒进行感官评价,并采用GC-MS联用分析技术,对枣柿混合发酵蒸馏酒中挥发性芳香物质进行系统分析,确定枣柿酒香气的主要特征组成成分,对枣柿混合发酵蒸馏酒进行综合品质评价。结果表明,柿子蒸馏酒中分离鉴定出的香气成分物质13种,其中酯类4种、醇类7种、醛类1种、酸类1种;枣柿混合发酵蒸馏酒分离鉴定出香气成分物质17种,包括酯类7种、醇类8种、醛类1种、酸类1种,其中癸酸乙酯、月桂酸乙酯、棕榈酸乙酯、9-十六碳烯酸乙酯是混合蒸馏酒特有成分。枣柿混合发酵蒸馏酒可弥补柿子蒸馏酒涩味重、酒体平淡、单宁含量过高的缺点,其中枣含量为75%的枣柿蒸馏酒口感最好,酒精度53.8%vol,总酸0.07 g/L,总酯0.12 g/L,且该蒸馏酒香气浓郁、色泽鲜明、澄清透明,具有浓浓的枣果香味。 In this study,the blended distilled liquor produced by fermenting and distilling the fresh fruit of persimmon and Xinjiang jujube as raw materials according to different ratios was produced.The change of pH and the soluble solids in the fermenter during the fermentation of the distilled liquor were determined.By sensory evaluation and GC-MS analysis,the volatile aromatic substances of jujube and persimmon mixed fermentation distilled liquor were systematically analyzed to reveal the main characteristic components of the aroma of persimmon jujube liquor,and the comprehensive quality evaluation of jujube persimmon liquor was carried out.The results showed that there were 13 kinds of aroma components in persimmon distilled spirits,including 4 kinds of esters,7 kinds of alcohols,1 kind of aldehydes and 1 kind of acid,and there were 17 kinds of aroma components of persimmon jujube mixed fermented distilled liquor,including 7 kinds of esfers,8 kinds of alcohols,1 kind of aldehydes and 1 kind of acid.Among them,ethyl decanoate,ethyl laurate,ethyl palmitate and ethyl 9-hexadecanoate are the special components of mixed distilled liquor.The persimmon and jujube mixed fermented distilled liquor can make up for the poor taste of the persimmon distilled liquor,the flatness of the liquor and the high content of tannin.The 75% jujube of the mixed distilled liquor has the best taste,the alcohol content is 53.8%vol,and the total acid is 0.07 g/L,the total ester is 0.12 g/L.The distilled liquor has a rich aroma,a bright color,clear and transparent,and has a strong jujube flavor.
作者 安晓雯 冯润芳 孟凤华 敖常伟 AN Xiaowen;FENG Runfang;MENG Fenghua;AO Changwei(College of Food Science and Technology,Hebei Agricultural University,Baoding 071000,China)
出处 《食品科技》 CAS 北大核心 2020年第8期92-97,共6页 Food Science and Technology
基金 河北省科技支撑项目(902/1219216)。
关键词 柿子 红枣 蒸馏酒 气质联用技术 香气成分 persimmon jujube distilled spirit gas chromatography-mass spectrometry(GC-MS) aroma component
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