
中纪委网站反腐信息的再媒介化传播——以报纸对中纪委网站反腐信息的传播为例 被引量:1

Re-mediation of Anti-corruption Information on the Website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection
摘要 自十八大以来,我国网络反腐秩序得到了极大的改观。其中,在网络反腐信息传播方面,则表现为一改我国网络反腐初期"网民爆料—网络媒体扩散—传统主流媒体再报道—政府介入"模式为"中纪委网站公告—网络媒体和传统媒体扩散—大众接收"的模式。通过文献综述发现,对于在中纪委网站与大众媒体之间是否还存在更为丰富、多维的传播关系以及是否存在问题和如何改进,尚待更加深入的探讨。故本文将尝试运用再媒介化理论,采用网络民族志、量化等研究方法,以"读秀报纸数据库"为主要分析数据来对此进行探究,以期能够挖掘出中纪委网站与大众媒体之间更为丰富、多维的反腐信息传播关系,可能存在的问题以及探寻相应的改进措施。 Since the 18th CPC National Congress,China’s online anti-corruption order has indeed been greatly improved.Among them,in the online anti-corruption information dissemination,it is manifested as a change in the early stage of China’s online anti-corruption from"online whistle-blower-dissemination by online media-report by traditional mainstream media-government intervention"mode to"central disciplinary committee website announcement-online media and traditional media diffusion-public reception.Literature review found that it needs further confirmation as to whether there is other communication relations between the Central Disciplinary Committee website and the mass media,whether there are problems and how to solve the problems.This article adopts the theory of re-mediation,and uses online ethnography,quantification and other research methods,explores the"reading newspaper database"in order to find out the multi-facet relations between the Central Discipline Inspection Commission website and the mass media,potential problems and corresponding improvement measures.
作者 董浩 Dong Hao
出处 《传媒观察》 2020年第10期65-72,共8页 Media Observer
关键词 中纪委网站 再媒介化理论 网络反腐 反腐信息传播模式 政治传播 Central Discipline Inspection Commission website re-mediation theory online anti-corruption information dissemination model
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