
贵德县地方核桃坚果性状分析 被引量:2

Analysis on the characteristics of walnut in local Guide county
摘要 为全面系统掌握地方核桃坚果性状特征,进一步开展种质资源创新利用研究及核桃新品种选育,以青海贵德地区的33份核桃单株坚果样本为对象,通过对坚果主要表型指标的变异分析、主成分分析和聚类分析,探讨地方核桃坚果的性状特点。结果表明:坚果各项指标存在相关性并相互影响,单果重与横径呈现显著正相关关系,壳厚与出仁率呈现非常紧密的负相关关系,海拔高度与缝径在0.05水平上呈现非常紧密的负相关关系。该地区的核桃坚果三径值均大于3.0 cm,属于中大型果的范畴,核壳厚度中等、缝合线贴合紧密、没有露仁现象、核仁较饱满且取仁较容易。表型性状指标变异范围较广,其中,坚果三径值及出仁率变异系数较小,性状相对稳定。通过聚类分析将贵德地区核桃单株从单果重、坚果三径值、出仁率3项指标分为高、中、低三类。样本编号为1、5、8、14、18、19、20、21、23、32的单株坚果综合表型性状排名靠前,表明这些核桃单株性状优良。该研究结果能为青海贵德地区核桃产业发展提供较为详实的数据参考,同时为该地区开展品种改良奠定一定的基础。 In order to master the characteristics of local walnut comprehensively and systematically and to have further research on the innovation and utilization of germplasm resources and breeding of new walnut varieties,this paper takes 33 individual walnut trees in Guide area as the research object to explore the characteristics of local walnut by analyzing the main phenotypic indexes of nuts with variance analysis,principal component analysis and cluster analysis.The results show that there exist correlation and interaction among the indexes of nuts.There is a significant positive correlation between fruit weight and transverse diameter.There is a close negative correlation between shell thickness and kernel yield.The altitude and fissure diameter at 0.05 level show a negative correlation.The three diameter values of walnut in this area are all bigger than 3.0 cm which is medium and large-sized.The thickness of walnut shell is medium with its crack fitting tightly.The kernel can be easily taken out because it’s plump with no exposures.The variation of phenotypic characteristics has numerous varieties,among which the variation index of three diameter values and kernel yield of nuts is small with stable characteristics.According to the cluster analysis,walnut trees in Guide area are divided into levels of high,medium and low in line with the three indexes of single fruit weight,three diameter values and kernel yield.The results show that the comprehensive phenotypic characteristics of individual walnut with sample numbers of 1,5,8,14,18,19,20,21,23 and 32 are all excellent with top ranking.The research can not only provide a more detailed reference for the development of walnut industry in Guide region of Qinghai Province,but also lay a foundation for the development of variety improvement in this region.
作者 魏海斌 WEI Haibin(Academy of Agricultural and Forestry,Qinghai University,Xining 810016,China;Key Laboratory of Forest Tree Genetics and Breeding in Qinghai Plateau,Qinghai University,Xining 810016,China)
出处 《青海大学学报》 2020年第5期10-17,共8页 Journal of Qinghai University
基金 青海省科学技术厅项目(2020-NK-126)。
关键词 贵德县 核桃 单株 坚果性状 Guide county walnut single plant characteristics of nuts
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