
中国国家博物馆藏《溥儒致清媛夫人信札》研究 被引量:2

Letter from Puru to Lady Qing yuan in the National Museum of China Collection
摘要 溥儒作为恭亲王之孙、北宗山水执牛耳者,不仅其政治倾向、书画造诣备受各界瞩目,其婚姻也成为各界关注焦点。然而,以往对溥儒婚姻的研究,往往侧重于他与继室李墨云之间的关系。对其与正室清媛夫人的论述,大多仅限于1930年举办的伉俪画展;更有甚者,以罗清媛出身官家小姐为依据,武断地认为其粗枝大叶,不善持家。中国国家博物馆藏有一通《溥儒致清媛夫人信札》,是罗氏前往天津照料患病的父亲升允之际,溥儒写给妻子的鸿雁传书。其内容既包括溥氏兄弟与教会争夺恭王府的产权诉讼,亦有前往银行提款等家务琐事,系首度公开,为研究溥儒与妻子之间的关系提供了宝贵的新史料。通过旧王孙入居萃锦园,以及王府的诉讼官司等时间线索,可以考证出该文献写于1926年。彼时,溥儒业已结束西山隐居生活返京,心随境迁,其书风亦发生转变,逐渐由平整向矫夭过渡,故斯文为探讨其早期书法特征提供了重要参考。 Puru was grandson of Prince Gong(Yixin)and an important figure of the northern school of landscape painting.His political inclinations,achievements in painting and even marriages have attracted much attention.Previous studies on Puru’s marriage mostly focused on his relationship with the concubine Li Moyun.In regard to Puru and his wife Luo Qingyuan,most discussions have been limited to the husband and wife’s painting exhibition held in 1930.What is more,because Luo Qingyuan came from a distinguished family,she is thought by some researchers to be careless and unsuccessful in running the home.In this paper,the Letter from Puru to Lady Qingyuan in the National Museum of China collection is published for the first time.The letter was addressed to Puru’s wife,who was travelling to Tianjin to take care of her sick father.It mentions the lawsuit between Puru brothers and the church over the property right of Prince Gong’s mansion as well as household chores like going to the bank to withdraw money.The letter provides valuable historical materials for studying the relationship between Puru and his wife.It can be verified that the letter was written in 1926,according to time clues such as Puru’s settlement at the Cuijin Garden and the lawsuit.At that time,Puru had already returned to Beijing from a reclusive life in the West Mountain and his calligraphic style gradually changed to be more vigorous.This letter is an important reference for studying his early calligraphic characteristics.
作者 林硕 Lin Shuo
机构地区 中国国家博物馆
出处 《中国国家博物馆馆刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第9期123-132,共10页 Journal of National Museum of China
关键词 溥儒 罗清媛 萃锦园 诉讼官司 伉俪画展 Puru Luo Qingyuan Cuijin Garden lawsuit husband and wife’s painting exhibition
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