

Association of blood hemoglobin with fever and diarrhea among 6-23 months children in rural regions of Hunan province
摘要 目的探讨婴幼儿血红蛋白水平对发热和腹泻的影响,并分析其剂量反应关系。方法采用多阶段分层随机抽样方法,于2017年10—12月,在湖南省农村地区随机抽取3630名6~23月龄婴幼儿为研究对象进行问卷调查,并检测其指尖末梢血血红蛋白,采用多因素非条件logistic回归模型控制潜在混杂因素来分析婴幼儿血红蛋白水平对发热和腹泻的影响。结果湖南省农村地区6~23月龄婴幼儿贫血患病率为28.7%(1042/3630),血红蛋白水平为<100、100~109、110~119、120~129、≥130 g/L的比例分别为8.8%(319/3630)、19.9%(723/3630)、33.9%(1229/3630)、25.2%(916/3630)、12.2%(443/3630)。婴幼儿发热和腹泻两周患病率分别为15.1%(547/3630)和14.0%(509/3630)。多因素logistic回归分析显示,贫血是婴幼儿发热和腹泻的独立危险因素,其调整OR值分别为1.57(95%CI=1.29~1.91)和1.40(95%CI=1.14~1.71);血红蛋白水平对婴幼儿发热和腹泻的影响均存在剂量反应关系,血红蛋白水平越低,发热和腹泻的患病风险越高。以血红蛋白120~129 g/L为参照,血红蛋白<100和100~109 g/L是婴幼儿发热的危险因素,其调整OR值分别为1.89(95%CI=1.34~2.67)和1.67(95%CI=1.27~2.21);血红蛋白<100、100~109和110~119 g/L是婴幼儿腹泻的危险因素,其调整OR值分别为1.84%(95%CI=1.28~2.64)、1.67(95%CI=1.24~2.24)和1.34(95%CI=1.02~1.76)。结论湖南省农村地区6~23月龄婴幼儿发热和腹泻两周患病率较高,并且受血红蛋白水平的影响,积极防治婴幼儿贫血有助于降低其发热和腹泻患病率。 Objective To explore quantitative association of peripheral blood hemoglobin with fever and diarrhea among infants and young children in rural regions of Hunan province.Methods The data of the study were from a surveillance program for children nutrition improvement conducted during October–December 2017 among 3630 children of 6–23 months old randomly selected with multistage stratified sampling in 12 counties in poverty stricken rural regions across Hunan province.The children′s information on demographic characteristics,feeding practice,and incidence of fever and diarrhea during past two weeks were collected by questionnaire interviews with their caregivers;fingertip blood of the children were sampled for hemoglobin detection using Swedish HemoCue 301 portable hemoglobin analyzer.Unconditional multivariate logistic regression model was used to adjust potential confounding factors for analyzing the associate of peripheral blood hemoglobin with incidences of fever and diarrhea.Results The detection rate of anemia in the children was 28.7%(1042/3630).Of the children,8.8%,19.9%,33.9%,25.2%,and 12.2%had the blood hemoglobin of<100,100–109,110–119,120–129,and≥130 g/L,respectively.The reported two-week incidence rate of fever and diarrhea were 15.1%and 14.0%in the children.The results of multivariate logistic regression analysis demonstrated that anemia was an independent risk factor for fever and diarrhea,with the adjusted odds ratio(OR)of 1.57(95%confidence interval[95%CI]:1.29–1.91)and 1.40(95%CI:1.14–1.71).An inverse correlation between peripheral blood hemoglobin levels and the two-week incidence rate of fever and diarrhea was observed;compared to the hemoglobin of 120–129 g/L,the hemoglobin of<100 and 100–109 g/L were associated with increased risks of fever morbidity,with the adjusted OR of 1.89(95%CI:1.34–2.67)and 1.67(95%CI:1.27–2.21);the hemoglobin of<100,100–109,and 110–119 g/L were also associated with increased risk of diarrhea morbidity,with the adjusted OR of 1.84(95%CI:1.28–2.64),1.67(95%CI:1.24–2.24),and 1.34(95%CI:1.02–1.76),respectively.Conclusion The two-week incidence rate of fever and diarrhea morbidity was high and affected by peripheral blood hemoglobin among 6–23 months old children in rural regions of Hunan province;effective prevention and treatment of anemia could reduce incidence rates of fever and diarrhea in the children.
作者 李辉霞 黄广文 郑剑飞 黄群 肖娟 罗中文 冯娜 LI Hui-xia;HUANG Guang-wen;ZHENG Jian-fei(Department of Child Health Care,Hunan Provincial Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital,Changsha,Hunan Province 410008,China;不详)
出处 《中国公共卫生》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第10期1420-1424,共5页 Chinese Journal of Public Health
基金 国家贫困地区儿童营养改善项目。
关键词 婴幼儿 贫血 血红蛋白 发热 腹泻 infants and young children anemia hemoglobin fever diarrhea
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