
330MW机组冷端性能优化与试验研究 被引量:2

Study on Optimization and Test for Steam Turbine Cold End System of 330 MW Unit
摘要 针对330 MW汽轮机组在冷端系统存在的问题,得出影响机组冷端系统性能指标的主要因素,提出冷端优化模型,给出不同负荷下最佳运行背压曲线。结合某厂6号汽轮机组冷端优化试验,提出了机组不同负荷以及不同循环冷却水温度下循环水泵的最佳经济运行方式。 In view of the existing problems of steam turbine cold end system of 330 MW unit, the main factors influencing the performance indexes of steam turbine cold end system was concluded, A mathematical model for the optimal operation of the cold end system was established, Combined with the test of steam turbine cold end system, the optimum operating mode of circulating water pump at different operating load and cooling water inlet temperature was proposed.
作者 姚季 Yao Ji(Shanghai Power Tech Screw Machinery Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 200240,China)
出处 《电站辅机》 2020年第2期1-5,共5页 Power Station Auxiliary Equipment
关键词 汽轮机 冷端系统 经济运行 试验 steam turbine cold system economic operation test
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