目的 :回顾性分析应用CT引导立体定向术对 19例颅内占位病变进行诊断和治疗的全部资料 ,从而探讨临床应用价值。方法 :1999年 12月至 2 0 0 1年 12月 ,应用CT引导立体定向术对 19例颅内占位病变进穿刺活检及分流、引流等治疗。男性 12例 ,女 7例 ;年龄范围 9~ 6 5岁 ;术前均有CT或MRl检查 ,确定有颅内占位。结果 :19例中 ,胶质瘤 4例、转移瘤 3例、脑结核 1例、均取活检由病理证实 ;脑脓肿 4例、脑出血 2例、透明隔、蛛网膜及胼胝体囊肿共 4例 ,颅咽管瘤 1例 ,均经抽液送检涂片病理证实后 ,给予引流、分流及清除病灶等治疗 ,取得了明确诊断和满意的治疗效果。结论 :应用CT引导立体定向手术 ,定位准确 ,损伤小 ,安全性高 ,是用于颅内占位病变 ,尤其微小病变的定性诊断和治疗的重要方法 ,值得推广。
Objective: To evalute the CT-guided brain stereotactic methoel to 19 cases of the intracrqnial lesions by biospy, shunting and drainage. Methods: From December 1994 to April 2002,19cases of intracranial lesions were shunted and drained, Male 12 cases.femal 7 cases. The range of their age was 9~65 years old. The lesions were determined by CT or MRI. Results: Gliomas 4 cases ,metatasis 3 cases. cerebral tuberculosis 1 cases. All were testified by biospy, Cerebral absecess and bleeding 2 cases.The cysts of arachnoid and spetum lucidum and cailosal were 4 cases. Craniopharyngioma 1 case.The contents were drained,repeatly rinsed and removed. Conclusion: The advantage of the CT-guided operation is its exaclitude of localilation. less damage and more sany.It is the important methed of the nature determin ing for the diagnosis and the treatment of the diagnosis and the treatment of the intracranial lesions.It is deserved to be spread.
Hebei Medicine