

Clinical observation of Diltiazen Hydrochloride injection in the treatment of primary hypertension
摘要 目的 :为观察钙离子拮抗剂恬尔心针剂静脉推注治疗原发性高血压临床降压效果及对心率影响。方法 :已确诊的原发性高血压病患者 4 0例 ,在自动测压心电监护仪血压监测下 ,静脉注射恬尔心针剂 ,剂量按体重 0 .2~ 0 .3mg/kg计算 ,稀释于 2 5 %葡萄糖液 2 0ml内 ,3min推注完毕 ,记录即刻、5、10、2 0、30min血压、心律和P—R间期变化。将静注后即刻至 30min所测得 5次数值的均数与用药前测得的均数采用自身对照t检验进行统计学处理。结果 :4 0例观察对象平均体重 6 4.2kg ,平均恬尔心静注剂量 12 .84~ 19.2 6mg ,取得降压效果显效 2 5例 ,显效率 6 2 .5 % (2 5 / 4 0 ) ,有效 4 0例 ,有效率10 0 % (4 0 / 4 0 ) ,注射后 36例心律减慢 ,由用药前 90 .2 8± 2 5 .75次 /min下降 30min后的 78.0 8± 11.78次/min ,(P <0 .0 0 1)。本组未见明显不良反应。结论 :静脉注射恬尔心针剂治疗高血压急症 ,降压效果迅速、确切 ,用药安全 。 Objective: To observe the effect of hypotension and the influence of HR of Diltiazen Hydrochloride injection (calcium antagonist) in the treating primary hypertension. Methods: 40 cases of primary hypertenlion comfirmed diagnosis were given intravenous therapy(0.2~0.3mg/kg+25% G.S. 20ml, finished treatment. In 3 minutes under automatic blood pressure monitor. We recorded the change of BP, HR and P-R space immediately and after 5, 10, 20 and 30 minutes. The mean of five date from immediate to 30 minutes later and the mean before treatment were auto-controued and statistically managed by T test. Result: The average body weight, the average dosage of Diltiazen Hydrochloride injeltion was 64.2kg, 12.84~19.26mg respectively. 25 cases had significant effectiveness. The significant effective rate was 62.5% (25/40). All 40 cases had effectiveness. So the effective rate was 100% (40/40). 36 cases's HR reduced from 90.28±25.75 times/min before treatment to 78.08±11.78 times/min 30 minutes later (P<0.0001). And it had no distinct illeffect. Conclusion: Diltiazem hydrochloride injection had quickly and definite effect in the treating hypertension cmergeney. And it was safe and worthy of clinical service.
机构地区 上海市同仁医院
出处 《河北医学》 CAS 2002年第9期810-812,共3页 Hebei Medicine
关键词 恬尔心注射液 原发性高血压病 静脉注射 EH 疗效 EH Diltiazen Hydrochloride injection Primary hypertension Intravenous injection
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