
经典名方中半夏与天南星的本草考证 被引量:18

Herbal Textual Research on Pinelliae Rhizoma and Arisaematis Rhizomain Chinese Classical Prescriptions
摘要 通过查阅历代本草及医书典籍,结合现代文献资料,对半夏和天南星药材的名称、基原、产地、采收加工、炮制进行考证,为含该类药材经典名方的开发提供依据。历代半夏主流基原为天南星科植物半夏Pinellia ternata(Thunb.)Breit.,其混淆品由跋为天南星科虎掌P.pedatisecta Schott.的幼苗或磨芋属植物等,今已不再入药;历代天南星的主流基原有异叶天南星Arisaema heterophyllum BI.,天南星A.erubescens(Wall.)Schott.和虎掌P.pedatisecta。半夏历代推崇山东齐州所产者,近代以来湖北荆州一带成为另一道地产区。天南星全国各地均有分布。半夏的炮制沿革,秦汉时期采用热水处理的方法以减毒,并多与姜配伍使用,自魏晋时期逐步发展为姜制,宋代以来出现加入白矾、石灰、甘草等辅料以及制曲的炮制工艺并被沿用,最终形成生、清、姜、法4个规格。经典名方中标为汤洗的半夏药材,建议采用与之接近的清半夏制法。天南星自唐代提出加入生姜、石灰等辅料炮制,宋代辅料种类进一步增加,出现胆汁制南星与白矾制南星,明代发展出姜矾等多种辅料共制的炮制方法,形成生、制、胆3种规格。 Through consulting the ancient Chinese herbs and medical books,combining with modern literature,this paper made a textual research on the name,origin,producing areas,harvesting time and processing methods of Pinelliae Rhizoma and Arisaematis Rhizoma,which provides a basis for the development of the classic prescriptions containing those medicinal materials.The main origin of Pinelliae Rhizoma in the past dynasties was Pinellia ternata(Thunb.)Breit.,while the origin of You Ba,which was often mixed with Pinelliae Rhizoma,might be the seedling of Pinellia pedatisecta Schott.or some plants of Amorphophallus and was no longer used as medicine.The main origins of Arisaematis Rhizoma in the past dynasties was Arisaema heterophyllum BI.,Arisaema erubescens(Wall.)Schott.and P.pedatisecta Schott.In the past dynasties,Pinelliae Rhizoma produced in Shandong was highly praised.The area of Jingzhou in Hubei Province has become another geo-authentic habitat in modern times.Arisaematis Rhizoma is distributed throughout the country.According to the processing history of Pinelliae Rhizoma,it was processed with hot water to reduce toxicity,and was used with ginger mostly in Qin and Han Dynasties.Since the Wei and Jin Dynasties,processing with ginger gradually developed into the mainstream method and replaced the former one.The types of adjuvants increased further in Song Dynasty,alum,lime,licorice root and other adjuvants were widely used in the processing of Pinelliae Rhizoma with a long history.Fertilization of Pinelliae Rhizoma also developed in this period.Finally,the four specifications of Raw Pinelliae Rhizoma,Pinelliae Rhizoma Preparatum,Pinelliae Rhizoma Preparatum cum Zingebere et Alumine and Pinelliae Rhizoma Preparatum cum Alumine were formed.The recorded Pinelliae Rhizoma processed with hot water in classical prescriptions was suggested to be processed according to the regulations of Pinelliae Rhizoma Preparatum cum Alumine in Chinese Pharmacopoeia.Since Tang Dynasty,Arisaematis Rhizoma had proposed to add ginger,lime and other auxiliary materials for processing.In Song Dynasty,the types of auxiliary materials increased further,bile and alum appeared as auxiliary materials.In Ming Dynasty,the processing method of mixing ginger,alum and other auxiliary materials together had been developed,and finally formed three specifications of Raw Arisaematis Rhizoma,Arisaematis Rhizoma Preparatum and Arisaema cum Bile.
作者 赵佳琛 王艺涵 金艳 张卫 彭华胜 蔡秋杰 李兵 杨洪军 张华敏 詹志来 ZHAO Jia-chen;WANG Yi-han;JIN Yan;ZHANG Wei;PENG Hua-sheng;CAI Qiu-jie;LI Bing;YANG Hong-jun;ZHANG Hua-min;ZHAN Zhi-lai(National Resource Center for Chinese Materia Medica,China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences,Beijing 100700,China;Institute of Chinese Materia Medica,China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences,Beijing 100700,China;Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Hefei 230012,China;Research Center for Traditional Chinese Medicine Development,China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences,Beijing 100700,China;Institute of Information on Traditional Chinese Medicine,China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences,Beijing 100700,China;China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences,Beijing 100700,China)
出处 《中国现代中药》 CAS 2020年第8期1361-1380,共20页 Modern Chinese Medicine
基金 国家重点研发计划项目(2019YFC1711401,2017YFC1700805) 中央本级重大增减支项目(2060302) 中国中医科学院基本科研业务费(ZZ13-YQ-091)。
关键词 经典名方 半夏 天南星 本草考证 classical prescriptions Pinelliae Rhizoma Arisaematis Rhizoma textual research on materia medica
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