Open source intelligence is an important part of the all source intelligence system.With the development of mobile communication technology and Internet,a large number of open source data has become an increasingly important source of intelli⁃gence.An open source intelligence processing framework based on Hadoop big data component ecology is proposed in this paper.The framework is divided into four layers:infrastructure,data collection,data processing and application of open source informa⁃tion.Based on the framework,the existing open source intelligence feature extraction algorithm based on TF-IDF weights is im⁃proved,and the automatic extraction of features of massive open source intelligence data is realized.The effectiveness of the algo⁃rithm is verified by data experiments.The data experiment shows that compared with the existing algorithm,the improved algorithm has significantly improved the efficiency of processing large-scale open source intelligence data。
ZHANG Meng(Equipment Finance Division of Naval Equipment Integrated Planning Bureau,Beijing 100089)
Ship Electronic Engineering