

The Evolution and Development of Democratic Progressive Party(DPP)’s Policy or Position on Diaoyu Islands Issue
摘要 2016年5月,民进党重新上台执政,其在钓鱼岛问题上的政策立场非常值得关注。自从1996年民进党中央党部发布“钓鱼台事件”声明以来,民进党的“涉钓”政策立场不断演变并形成了一套较为完整的论述。其内涵主要包括五点主张:一、主张钓鱼岛属于台湾,但有意将钓鱼岛问题“台湾化”、“去中化”;二、坚决不与大陆合作;三、弱化主权,强调渔权;四、台日“外交”优先,对话谈判解决;五、寻求依靠国际力量(美国)解决。进一步来分析,民进党的“涉钓”政策立场具有三个主要特征:一是意识形态色彩浓厚;二是选择性立场呈现,对日美无立场,而对国民党和大陆有立场;三是“维权”与“媚日”之间的自相矛盾性。基于民进党钓鱼岛立场的演变发展历程,可以预期未来民进党可能会伺机加强推动钓鱼岛问题的“台湾化”与“去中国化”倾向,进一步强化“无立场亲日”的姿态,但在中日关系的框架下难以取得实质性进展。而随着中日关系的趋缓,民进党当局的“涉钓”政策立场亦将呈现一定“淡化”的趋势。最后,面对未来复杂的钓鱼岛局势,中国大陆应该进一步强化在钓鱼岛问题上的维权表态及行动,维护好包括台湾同胞在内的两岸渔民的正当权益,同时坚决遏制与打击民进党操纵钓鱼岛问题推进“台独”的企图,寻求逐步累积扩展两岸在钓鱼岛问题上的互信空间。 In May 2016,when DPP came to power again,its policies and proposals on Diaoyu Islands issue is very worthy of attention.Since DPP issued“Diaoyu Islands incident”statement in 1996,DPP’s position on Diaoyu Islands Issue gradually developed and formed a set of complete discussion opinions.Its connotation mainly includes five basic proposition:First,advocated Diaoyu Islands belong to Taiwan,but interested in“Taiwanization”and“De-Sinicization”of the Diaoyu islands issue;Second,adamantly refused to cooperation with China's Mainland in dealing with the Diaoyu Islands issue;Third,weaken sovereignty and emphasize fishing rights;Fourth,Taiwan-Japan“diplomacy”relations priority,and solve with dialogue and negotiation;Last,seeking to rely on international efforts(the US)to solve.Further analysis,the DPP’s position on Diaoyu Islands Issue presents three main characteristics.The first is that the policy has a strong ideological character;Secondly,it presents a selective position,has no position on Japan and the United States,and has a position toward KMT and China's Mainland;The Third is the self-contradictory between“Safeguarding Sovereignty”and“Fawning on Japan”.Base on the evolution process of DPP’s position on Diaoyu Islands Issue,it can be expected that the Tsai Ing-wen authorities may wait for opportunities to promote the tendencies of“Taiwanization”and“De-Sinicization”of Diaoyu Islands issue,and strengthen the attitude of“no position pro-Japanese”further,but it would not work under the framework of Sino-Japanese relations obviously.With the tension between China and Japan is moving towards relaxation,the DPP’s position on Diaoyu Islands has been receding continuously.Finally,in the face of the complicated situation of Diaoyu Islands in the future,China's Mainland should further strengthen its sovereignty protection declarations and actions on Diaoyu Islands issue,safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese fishermen including Taiwan compatriots.At the same time,it should also curb and combat the DPP’s intention of“Taiwan independence”with the Diaoyu Islands issue resolutely,and gradually accumulate and expand the mutual trust space between the two sides on the Diaoyu Islands issue.
作者 黄继朝 Huang Jichao
出处 《台湾研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第5期63-73,共11页 Taiwan Studies
关键词 民进党 钓鱼岛 台湾 蔡英文 DPP Diaoyu Islands Taiwan Tsai Ing-wen
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