
后《民法典》时代物权担保的独立性诉求——以让与担保的型转为视域 被引量:2

The Independence Demand of Real Rights for Security in the Era of Passage of Civil Code:From the Perspective of the Transformation of Alienation Guarantee
摘要 现代经济的高频流通强调动态规避和化解风险,从属性因过多赋予担保人抗辩权,已经成为束缚物权担保发展的桎梏。让与担保因其所有权转移担保的法律构造,借贷、买卖合同平行并立的外在独立形式,具有缓和从属性的便利条件,在后法典时代应以让与担保作为回应物权担保独立性诉求的突破口。长远构建的角度,在理论上,应以自带独立因子的所有权绝对转移说为理论基础;在技术上,剥离区分担保权与主债权债务关系,使担保权的实现不受基础债权债务效力瑕疵的影响,最终达到在登记生效主义的范围内实现让与担保权彻底摆脱从属性束缚。而就目前可通过司法实践在如下方面逐步探索完善其规则:引导并逐步确认自力救济的法律效力,明确非诉程序的形式审查规则,细化强制清算的介入路径。 The high frequency circulation of modern economy emphasizes the dynamic avoidance and resolution of risk.The subordinate principle has become the shackle of the development of real rights for security because it gives the guarantor too much rights of defense.Alienation guarantee has the legal structure of the transfer of ownership,and the externally independent form of the parallelism of the loan and sales contract,which can conveniently ease the subordinate dependency.Therefore,it is suggested to take the alienation guarantee as the breakthrough in response to the independent demand of real rights for security after the passage of civil code.From the perspective of long-term construction,the theory should be based on the concept of absolute transfer of ownership with its independent factors;Technically,it is suggested to separate the relationship between the security rights from the creditor’s rights so that the realization of security rights is not affected by the defects of the validity of the underlying creditor’s rights.Finally,the alienation guarantee can completely get rid of the limitation from subordination within the scope of effective regis⁃tration.At present,its rules can steadily be explored and improved through judicial practice in terms of guiding and gradually confirming the legal effect of self-remedy,clarifying the formal review rules of non-litigation procedure,specifying the intervention path of compulsory liquidation.
作者 徐晓惠 XU Xiao-hui(Law School,Jilin University,Changchun 130012,China)
机构地区 吉林大学法学院
出处 《海南大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2020年第5期118-123,共6页 Journal of Hainan University (Humanities & Social Sciences)
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目(2009JJD820010)。
关键词 让与担保 独立性 自力救济 强制清算 alienation guarantee independence self-remedy compulsory liquidation
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