
北朝至宋代墓葬出土地轴的考古学研究 被引量:3

An Archaeological Study of Dizhou Unearthed from Burials between the Northern Dynasties and the Song Dynasty
摘要 在系统梳理北朝至宋代墓葬出土地轴的基础上,对其进行考古类型学与分区分期研究,可知北朝至唐代,地轴主要出土于山西、河北、天津、辽宁等北方地区,集中发现于山西长治,即唐代潞州与河北道地区;五代至宋,地轴主要在南方地区发现,集中出土于成都附近地区,浙江、湖北、福建亦零星出土。地轴传播的背景,是与唐初建国元从、五代时河北河东军人等政治文化集团与人群的迁徙密切相关。 Dizhou地轴is a pottery figurine with double human heads or animal heads sharing a horizontal snake body,which was used as a funerary object.Unearthed from medieval tombs,its origin can be traced back to the images of mythical double-headed creature with human face in the stone reliefs of the Han Dynasty,which is considered to be closely related to Fengbo风伯Through systematic sorting of Dizhou figurines unearthed from the burials between the Northern Dynasties and the Song Dynasty,this paper conducted typological and chronological studies in different regions,finding that Dizhou figurincs between the Northern Dynasties and the Tang Dynasty are found in northern regions including present-day Shanxi,Hebei,Tianjin,Liaoning,etc,with the highest concentration in Changzhi of Shanxi,namely Luzhou潞州of Hebei Dao河北道in the Tang Dynasty.As for samples from the Five Dynasties to the Song Dynasty,they are mainly unearthed in southern regions,mostly concentrating in Chengdu and its surrounding areas,together with scattered findings in present-day Zhejiang,Hubei and Fujian.There is rich diversity in the identities of tomb occupants whom were buried with Dizhou figurines.In present-day Changzhi of Shanxi Province,namely Luzhou area of Hedong Dao in Tang Dynasty,tomb occupants whose burials yielded Dizhou figurines were mostly founding meritocracy of the Tang Dynasty and their offspring.In present-day Chaoyang area of Liaoning Province,burials yielded Dizhou figurines were mainly from the middle and late phases of Emperor Gaozong's reign,tomb occupants of these burials were mostly garrisons deployed in Y ingzhou营州,who were from Hebei Dao河北道and Hedong Dao and participated in Tang Dynasty's administration of northeastern Asia(such as the expedition against Goguryeo).The Dizhou figurine unearthed from the tomb of Emperor Yangdi's Empress Xiao of Sui Dynasty隋炀帝皇后萧氏墓is similar to these from the early Tang Dynasty tombs in Shanxi Province,which is rclated to the fact that Empress Xiao had resided in Dingxiang定襄city at the order of the Turkic Khan ChuLuo处罗可汗,and led the Chinese under the rule of Turkic Khanate in late Sui Dynasty.The Dizhou figurine unearthed from Consort Wei Gui's tomb韦珪墓is related to her son Li Shen's李慎(Prince of Ji,son of Wei Gui and Emperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty)long-time duty as the governor of Zezhou泽州,who also used the craftsmen of Zezhou.The shapes of most Dizhou figurines unearthed at tombs of the Five Dynasties and Song Dynasty in southern China can be traced back to those ir the northern China.Occupants of these tombs were most likely immigrants from the Central Plains in the late Tang and Five Dynasties.
作者 卢亚辉 Lu Yahui
出处 《四川文物》 北大核心 2020年第5期88-100,共13页 Sichuan Cultural Relics
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“中古时期墓葬神煞研究”(项目批准号:17JJD780001) 国家社会科学基金青年项目“北朝隋唐五代墓葬出土神煞俑的考古学研究”(项目批准号:20CKG025)。
关键词 地轴 神煞俑 时空分布 唐建国元从及其后裔 Dizhou(pottery figurine with double human heads or animal heads sharing a horizontal snake body) Mystical Tomb Figurines to Ward off Evils Spatial and Temporal Distributions Founding Meritocracy of the Tang Dynasty and Their Offspring
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