
特长隧道出口处交通标志与驾驶人感知关系试验 被引量:10

Experimental on relationship between traffic signs and drivers’perception at exit of extra-long tunnel
摘要 为分析隧道出口处内外横断面上交通标志的设置对驾驶人视认性的影响,通过现场实车试验和室内动态模拟试验研究了交通标志与驾驶人信息感知的关系。选择3名驾驶人运用德国生产的SMI眼动仪,对选取的G65包茂(包头—茂名)高速公路武隆段6条隧道分别进行了34次有效行车试验,并对比分析普通高速公路路段和隧道出口路段驾驶人的瞳孔直径变化比率。采用Premiere软件制作可调的动态交通标志,通过双投影系统将标志和实车录制的路段视频相融合,投射到同一个曲面幕布上,并切换不同隧道出口与标志的位置,以驾驶人视认标志的反应时间为表征参数进行隧道动态驾驶环境下的室内模拟试验。研究结果表明:瞳孔直径变化比率可以作为表征驾驶人明适应状态的表征参数,并在此基础上确定了车速为80 km/h时驾驶人正常瞳孔直径变化比率为±5%;驾驶人完成出口明适应时的瞳孔直径状态,特长隧道出口处驾驶人的明适应时间为2.129 s;特长隧道出口处内外交通标志的反应时间都呈现同一规律,交通标志与行车道位于同侧的反应时间比异侧时的短;交通标志位于隧道外的反应时间均值为2.22 s,比隧道内的反应时间平均短0.64 s。以时间为依据,当隧道出口与互通间距受地形限制,设计完成标志的有效视认时间小于4.5 s时,建议交通标志设置在隧道内部正中顶部位置;反之,设置在隧道外部道路右侧。 In order to analyze the influence of the driver’s identification which was caused by the setting of traffic signs on the inner and outer cross sections of the tunnel exit,the relationship between traffic signs and driver’s information perception was studied by field vehicle test and indoor dynamic simulation test.Three drivers were selected to use the SMI eye tracker produced in Germany,and 34 effective driving tests on the six tunnels of the G65 Baomao(Baotou to Mao-ming)Expressway Wulong Section were conducted.The ratio of pupil diameter change of drivers in ordinary highway section and tunnel exit section was compared and analyzed.Premiere software was used to make adjustable dynamic traffic signs.The logo and the real-time recorded road segment video would be merged and projected onto the same curved screen by the dual projection system,and the positions of different tunnel exits and signs could be switched.The indoor simulation test under the tunnel dynamic driving environment was conducted with the response time of the driver’s identification signs as the characterization parameter.The results show that the pupil diameter change ratio can be used as a parameter to characterize the driver’s bright adaptation state,and on this basis,it is determined that the normal pupil diameter change ratio of the driver is±5%when the vehicle speed is 80 km/h.When the driver completes the exit adaptation the pupil diameter state is defined,and the mean time of the exit adaptation is 2.129 s.The response time of traffic signs inside and outside the exit of super long tunnel is the same,which means that the reaction time on the same side of the traffic sign and the traffic lane is shorter than the opposite side.The average response time of traffic signs outside the tunnel is 2.22 s,which is 0.64 s shorter than that in the tunnel.Based on the time,when the distance between the tunnel exit and the interchange is limited by the terrain and the effective recognition time of the design completion sign is less than 4.5 s,it is suggested that the traffic sign should be set at the top of the middle of the tunnel,otherwise it should be set on the right side of the road outside the tunnel.5 tabs,8 figs,30 refs.
作者 梁波 刘涛 肖尧 张鸿鸣 LIANG Bo;LIU Tao;XIAO Yao;ZHANG Hong-min(School of Civil Engineering,Chongqing Jiaotong University,Chongqing 400074,China;State KeyLaboratory of Mountain Bridge and Tunnel Engineering,Chongqing Jiaotong University,Chongqing400074,China;Chongqing Rail Transit(Group)Co.,Ltd,Chongqing 400042,China;ChinaRailway Siyuan Survey and Design Group Co.,Ltd.,Wuhan 430063,Hubei,China)
出处 《长安大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第5期48-55,共8页 Journal of Chang’an University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51678096,51878107)。
关键词 隧道工程 特长隧道 实车试验 室内模拟试验 交通标志 隧道安全 tunnel engineering extra-long tunnel vehicle test indoor simulation test traffic sign tunnel safety
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