In the era of data science,it is common to train machine learning algorithms based on certain data sets.Through surveys or scientific experiments,we can collect data sets prospectively.Recently,it has been recognized that the training data set is only representative,it is not enough.If the trained system is to handle some less popular categories well,it must include enough examples from these categories.This is the data set coverage.problem.In this paper,based on the existing methods to deal with the problem of data set coverage,combined with the idea of association rules mining related algorithms,an optimization algorithm for obtaining MUP is proposed to improve the operating efficiency of obtaining MUP;Solutions to sparse problems and insufficient bitmaps due to insufficient memory.Finally,through theoretical analysis and comprehensive experiments on actual data sets,we verified the superiority of obtaining MUP optimization algorithms.
LIU Rongxin(School of Computer Science and Technology,Harbin Institute of Technology,Harbin 150001,China)
Intelligent Computer and Applications