

Analysis of skin ice shape based on flash pulse infrared thermal wave detection technology
摘要 为研究飞机蒙皮积冰的形状,搭建了一种应用闪光脉冲红外热波检测实验台,进行了铝制蒙皮表面冰形的检测实验。并通过经典边缘检测算子(Roberts算子、Sobel算子、Prewitt算子、Log算子、Canny算子),分析了红外热波成像与可见光成像下的冰形差异。结论如下:红外热波检测冰形比可见光图像的冰形具有更高的纯净度与完整度;在各检测算子中,Roberts算子的处理结果最好,Canny次之,其次为Prewitt和Sobel,Log算子图像处理效果最差。此结论可供飞机积冰探测研究参考。 In order to study the shape of ice accumulation on the aircraft skin,an infrared thermal wave detection experimental platform using flash pulses was set up,and the ice accretion shape detection experiment was performed on the surface of the test aluminum skin.The ice shape difference was analyzed by the classical edge detection operator(Roberts operator,Sobel operator,Prewitt operator,Log operator,Canny operator)under infrared thermal wave imaging and visible light imaging.The main conclusions are as follows:The infrared thermal wave detection for ice accumulation shape is better in purity and integrity than the visible light image.Among the detection operators,Roberts operator has the best processing results,Canny takes second place,followed by Prewitt and Sobel,and the Log operator effect has the worst image processing.This conclusion can be used as a reference for aircraft ice accretion detection research.
作者 周家纬 李清英 郝路 周治荣 蔡铭 ZHOU Jiawei;LI Qingying;HAO Lu;ZHOU Zhirong;CAI Ming(School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering,Shanghai University of Engineering Science,Shanghai 201620,China;School of Air Transportation,Shanghai University of Engineering Science,Shanghai 201620,China;School of Flying,Shanghai University of Engineering Science,Shanghai 201620,China)
出处 《智能计算机与应用》 2020年第6期131-134,共4页 Intelligent Computer and Applications
基金 上海工程技术大学市级大学生创新创业训练项目(CS1908007)。
关键词 红外成像 蒙皮积冰 图像处理 边缘检测 infrared imaging aircraft skin with ice accretion image processing edge detection
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