

Analysis of structure and function of human CSE protein
摘要 胱硫醚-γ-裂合酶(Cystathionine-γ-lyase,CSE)是一种参与半胱氨酸合成并催化H2S生成的关键性限速酶,具有信号传导和细胞保护作用。分析人CSE蛋白的结构及其功能对了解其调控机制具有重要意义。利用生物信息数据库和分析软件,对人CSE蛋白进行分子结构和理化性质分析。结果显示:人CSE蛋白位于人类1号染色体,含有373个氨基酸是稳定的亲水性蛋白,不具有跨膜结构,无信号肽属于非分泌性蛋白,蛋白二级结构以无规则卷曲为主,含有保守结构域、蛋白定位于细胞质的可能性大、具有大量的丝氨酸(Ser)磷酸化位点和较少的酪氨酸(Tyr)磷酸化位点、与TST、TXNRD1等蛋白有结合能力。对CSE蛋白的分子结构与功能分析为深入研究CSE蛋白的作用机制提供了研究基础。 Cystathionine-γ-lyase(CSE) is an enzyme involved in cystine synthesis and a key rate-limiting enzyme for producing H2S. which has signal transduction and cellular protective effects. Analyzing the structure and function of CSE protein is of great significance to understand its regulatory mechanism. The molecular structure and physicochemical properties of human CSE protein were analyzed by bioinformatics method. Results indicate that human CSE protein locates in the human chromosome 1, containing 373 amino acids, which is a stable, hydrophilic, protin,without signal peptide and transmembrane region. CSE is mainly located in the cytoplasm and the main secondary structure elements are random coil,which contains conserved domains.It has a large number of serine(Ser) phosphorylation sites and fewer tyrosine(Tyr) phosphorylation sites. Besides, it can bind to TST, TXNRD1 and other proteins.The molecular structure and function of CSE protein were analyzed in this work to provide a basis for further study the mechanism of CSE protein.
作者 袁小燕 王烨 刘艳萍 雷媛娣 张朝晖 YUAN Xiaoyan;WANG Ye;LIU Yanping;LEI Yuandi;ZHANG Zhaohui(Department of Preventive Medicine,School of Public Health,University of South China,Hengyang 421001,Hunan,China)
出处 《生物信息学》 2020年第3期141-148,共8页 Chinese Journal of Bioinformatics
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(No.81573193)。
关键词 胱硫醚-γ-裂合酶(CSE) 生物信息学 分子结构 功能 Cystathionine-γ-lyase(CSE) Bioinformatics Molecular structure Function
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