
重庆地区野生大百部资源调查 被引量:2

Investigation of Wild Stemona tuberosa Resources in Chongqing Area
摘要 目的对重庆野生大百部资源分布、种群、群落特征进行初步调查,评估其资源现状,提出合理化保护措施。方法通过查阅文献,结合野外实地调查和走访调查,对重庆境内大百部资源状况进行考察。结果大百部在重庆分布范围广,主要包括北碚、南川、云阳、涪陵等地,生长在海拔209~1652 m林缘、路旁、草丛等;种群密度较小,其群落结构由乔木、灌木、草本组成;伴生植物种类丰富,包括100科240属357种植物。经多年跟踪调查,发现渝南的綦江、南川,以及渝东北的云阳、忠县等地资源量明显减少。结论鉴于重庆地区大百部总资源量明显减少,建议尽快采取就地保护、易地保护及加强相关科学研究等措施,使大百部野生资源得到可持续利用。 Objective To preliminary investigate the distribution,population,and community characteristics of wild Stemona tuberosa resources in Chongqing;.To evaluate the current status of its resources;To put forward reasonable protection measures.Methods The situation of S.tuberosa resources in Chongqing were investigated by consulting the literature concerned,combined with field investigations and visiting surveys.Results The S.tuberosa populations were widely distributed in Chongqing,including Beibei,Nanchuan,Yunyang,Fuling and other places of Chongqing.S.tuberosa resources grew on the edge of forests,roadsides,and bushes at 209-1652 m above sea level.The population density was small.Its community structure consisted of trees,shrubs,and herbs.The associated plant species were rich,including 357 species in 240 genera of 100 families.After years of follow-up investigations,it has been found that the resources of Qijiang and Nanchuan in southern Chongqing,Yunyang,Zhongxian and other places in northeastern Chongqing have decreased significantly.Conclusion The total amount of S.tuberosa resources in Chongqing is greatly decreasing year by year.It is suggested that the protection measures such as in situ protection,ex situ protection and strengthening of related scientific research should be taken as soon as possible,so that the wild S.tuberosa resources can be used sustainably.
作者 陈玉菡 金江群 刘旭 张军 刘燕琴 王黎 CHEN Yuhan;JIN Jiangqun;LIU Xu;ZHANG Jun;LIU Yanqin;WANG Li(Chongqing Institute of Medicinal Plant Cultivation,Chongqing 408435,China;Chongqing Engineering Research Center for Fine Variety Breeding Techniques of Chinese Materia Medica(Sub-center),Chongqing 408435,China;Chongqing Changshou District Agricultural and Rural Committee,Chongqing 401220,China)
出处 《中国中医药信息杂志》 CAS CSCD 2020年第11期4-9,共6页 Chinese Journal of Information on Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 重庆市科研机构绩效激励引导专项(19KF07-2012、cstc2018jxjl-jbky80001、cstc2017jxjl-jbky120017)。
关键词 大百部 资源调查 可持续利用 Stemona tuberosa resource investigation sustainable use
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