目的探讨采用循证护理对糖尿病重症脑卒中患者血糖水平与压疮发生率的临床效果。方法选择2018年1月—2019年6月期间在该院治疗的86例糖尿病重症脑卒中患者作为探讨对象,按护理方式的不同将其分为常规组(予以常规护理干预)和研究组(予以循证护理干预),每组43例。比较两组护理前后的空腹血糖(FBG)、餐后2 h血糖(2 hPBG)、糖化血红蛋白(HbAlc)水平及压疮发生率、压疮发生时间、压疮愈合时间。结果护理前,两组的FBG、2 hPBG、HbAlc水平差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。经护理,研究组的FBG、2 hPBG、HbAlc水平均低于常规组(P<0.05);研究组的压疮发生率为4.65%,明显低于常规组的18.60%(P<0.05);研究组的压疮发生时间比常规组晚,且压疮愈合时间比常规组快(P<0.05)。结论在糖尿病重症脑卒中患者中实施循证护理干预,能帮助患者降低血糖水平,降低压疮发生率,促进压疮快速愈合。
Objective To explore the clinical effect of evidence-based nursing on the blood glucose level and the incidence of pressure ulcers in diabetic patients with severe stroke. Methods Eighty-six diabetic patients with severe stroke who were treated in the hospital from January 2018 to June 2019 were selected as the subjects of investigation. According to the different nursing methods, they were divided into routine group(given regular nursing intervention) and research group(given Evidence-based nursing intervention), 43 cases in each group. The fasting blood glucose(FBG), 2 h postprandial blood glucose(2 hPBG), glycosylated hemoglobin(HbAlc) levels, the incidence of pressure ulcers, the time of pressure ulcers, and the healing time of pressure ulcers were compared between the two groups before and after nursing. Results Before nursing, there was no statistical difference in the levels of FBG, 2 hPBG and HbAlc between the two groups(P>0.05). After nursing, the levels of FBG, 2 hPBG, and HbAlc in the study group were lower than those in the conventional group(P<0.05);the incidence of pressure ulcers in the study group was 4.65%, which was significantly lower than 18.60% in the conventional group(P <0.05);Pressure ulcers occurred later than the conventional group, and the pressure ulcers healed faster than the conventional group(P<0.05). Conclusion The implementation of evidence-based nursing intervention in diabetic patients with severe stroke can help patients lower blood sugar levels, reduce the incidence of pressure ulcers,and promote rapid healing of pressure ulcers.
LI Zhi-feng;HU Fei-fei(The First Affiliated Hospital of Xiamen University,Xiamen,Fujian Province,361001 China)
Diabetes New World Magazine
Evidence-based nursing
Diabetes severe stroke
Blood glucose
Pressure ulcers