Dubai is a fast-growing international metropolis.It hopes to make the city smarter and happier by creating a"blockchain capital",the basic direction of which is improving the efficiency of the government,promoting industry creation and increasing international competitiveness.Based on the issuance of the national digital currency emCash and the construction of the blockchain public platform,Dubai focused on promoting the application of blockchains in vehicles'life cycle management,medical health management,court enforcement,academic qualifications,tourism and mortgage loans and other business areas,and achieved good results.The practice in Dubai tells us that we must fully understand the importance of blockchain in urban development,strengthen the unique role of the government in promoting the development of blockchain,form practical development goals and implementation plans,and develop blockchains as the power leading high-quality development by innovations.We must adhere to the people-oriented principle and make the blockchain create greater value for the society.
Yao Guozhang;Wu Yuxue;Xue Xincheng(School of Management,Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications,Nanjing Jiangsu 210003;Institute of Digital Economy,Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications,Nanjing Jiangsu 210003)
Innovation science and technology