起源独特的项目,2013年,蒙彼利埃市议会发起了一项名为“Folie Richter”的竞赛。竞赛旨在征集一个标志性的塔楼方案以丰富城市的建筑传统。任务书强调,这个宏大的项目必须能够融入其周边环境,同时需要涵盖一系列商业及居住空间。导则还清楚地指出:市政厅想要年轻建筑师及有经验的团队……马纳尔·拉赫迪和尼古拉斯•莱斯内是两位都创办了独立事务所的建筑师,他们决定拜访曰本建筑师藤本壮介。
A Unique Project Since Its Origin In 2013,Montpellier city council launched the"Folie Richter"competition.It sought to identify a blueprint for a beacon tower to enrich the city's architectural heritage.The RFP stressed the desire for a bold project that had to ft into its environment and include shops and homes.The brief was clear:the city hall wanted a team made up of a young architect working with an experienced colleague...
World Architecture