
高职专业课开展课程思政教育的探索与思考 被引量:5

The Exploration of and Reflection on Launching “Ideo-political & Moral Guidance Within Teaching” in Professional Courses in Vocational Colleges
摘要 开展基于"三全育人"的课程思政教育,有其必要性及紧迫性。将专业课所蕴含的思政元素,融入到课程的教学中,并通过教师讲授、案例操作、项目实施等融入途径进行实施。结果表明,在专业课程教学中开展思政教育,实现了思政教育与专业课的无痕融合,达到"引领价值""传授知识"与"培养能力"三位一体化的教学目标,提升了学生的综合素质,取得了良好的效果。 It is of necessity and urgency to launch ideo-political & moral guidance within teaching based on "three all-round cultivation",which requires the integration of ideological,political and moral elements contained in professional courses into teaching via various paths including teacher’s lecturing,case operation and group project implementation. The results show that in doing so the ideo-political & moral education and professional course teaching get seamlessly integrated,achieving the trinity of objectives:guiding students’ values,imparting knowledge and cultivating skills,and that students’ comprehensive qualities are uplifted satisfactorily.
作者 孙春华 陈雪芳 SUN Chunhua;CHEN Xuefang(School of Mechano-electrical Engineering,Suzhou Vocational University,Suzhou 215104,China)
出处 《苏州市职业大学学报》 2020年第3期5-8,共4页 Journal of Suzhou Vocational University
基金 国家职业教育智能控制技术专业教学资源库建设项目(2018-12) 2018年校级在线开放课程专项(SZDKC_18008)。
关键词 三全育人 课程思政 高职教育 3D打印 three all-round cultivation ideo-political&moral guidance within teaching high vocational education 3D printing technology
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