
AMPKα2基因敲除鼠饲养繁殖及基因鉴定 被引量:2

Breeding and Gene Identification of AMPKα2 Knockout Mice
摘要 目的探讨AMPKα2基因敲除小鼠的饲养繁殖以及子代的鉴定方法,为进一步研究AMPKα2基因在糖尿病心肌病中的作用提供动物模型。方法引进的AMPKα2基因敲除小鼠均为杂合子基因型,2雌1雄同窝进行饲养繁殖,从仔鼠的尾尖提取DNA,用PCR的方法扩增目的基因片段,然后进行核酸电泳判断基因型。结果子代小鼠繁殖成功并获得野生型、敲除杂合子及敲除纯合子3种基因型。然后选用雌雄均为纯合子,按照2∶1合笼进行大量繁殖,获得了一批AMPKα2敲除纯合子基因型小鼠。结论依据正确的饲养繁殖及可靠的基因型鉴定方法,可利用AMPKα2基因杂合子小鼠繁殖出所需数量的纯合子小鼠。 Objective To study the breeding and progeny identification of AMPKα2 knockout mice.Methods All the introduced AMPKα2 gene knockout mice were heterozygous genotypes.2 female and 1 male mice were bred in the same brood,DNA was extracted from the tail tip of the young mice,the target gene fragment was amplified by PCR,and the genotype was determined by nucleic acid electrophoresis.Results The offspring mice were successfully bred and obtained three genotypes:wild type,heterozygous type and homozygous type.Both female and male mice were homozygous and caged together with the proportion of 2∶1,AMPKα2 knockout homozygous genotype mice could obtain.Conclusion With proper breeding and reliable genotyping,AMPKα2 heterozygous mice were able to produce the desired number of homozygous mice.
作者 张飞雪 吴宁华 汪佳佳 许丹丹 刘秀芬 ZHANG Fei-xue;WU Ning-hua;LIU Xiu-fen(Institute of Medicine,Hubei University of Science and Technology/Hubei Provincial Key Laboratory of Diabetic Cardiovascular Disease,Xianning Hubei 437100,China)
出处 《湖北科技学院学报(医学版)》 2020年第5期395-397,共3页 Journal of Hubei University of Science and Technology(Medical Sciences)
基金 湖北省教育厅科学研究计划指导性项目(B2019153) 咸宁市科技计划项目(XNKJ-1804) 湖北科技学院校内科研培育项目(2018-19X036) 咸宁市自然科学基金项目(2019kj10)。
关键词 AMPKα2基因 小鼠 饲养繁殖 基因鉴定 AMPKα2 gene Rat Breeding and feeding Gene identification
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