Graphics processors have received an increasing attention with the growing demand for gaming,video streaming,and many other applications.During the graphics rendering with OpenGL,host CPU needs the runtime attributes to move on to the next procedure of rendering,which covers almost all the function units of graphics pipeline.Current methods suffer from the memory capacity issues to hold the variables or huge amount of data parsing paths which can cause congestion on the interface between graphics processor and host CPU.This paper refers to the operation principle of commuting bus,and proposes a bus-like data feedback mechanism(BFM)to traverse all the pipeline stages and collect the run-time status data or execution error of graphics rendering,then send them back to the host CPU.BFM can work in parallel with the graphics rendering logic.This method can complete the data feedback ta.sk easily with only 0.6%increase of resource utilization and has no negative impact on performance,which also obtains 1.3 times speed enhancement compared with a traditional approach.
DENG Junyong
邓军勇;蒋林(School of Electronic Engineering,Xi,aii University of Posts and Telecommunications,Xi'an 710121,China;School of Communication and Information Engineering,Xi'an University of Science and Technology,Xi'an 710054,China)
the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.61834005,61772417,61602377,61802304 and 61874087)
the International Science and Technology Cooperation Program of Shaanxi China(No.2018KW-006)。