
基于超表面的宽带圆极化缝隙天线设计 被引量:3

Design of broadband circularly polarized slot antenna based on metasurface
摘要 提出了一种新型的用于C波段卫星通信应用的超表面宽带圆极化缝隙天线,天线尺寸为0. 46λ0×0. 46λ0,厚度为0. 06λ0(为频率为5. 25 GHz的自由空间波长)。在设计过程中,采用等效电路法分析了超表面实现圆极化的工作机制,同时对天线圆极化带宽的影响因素进行了分析和参数扫描。仿真结果表明:该天线相对带宽达到28. 6%左右,3 d B轴比带宽达到19%左右,在阻抗带宽内天线的增益在7. 9 d Bi左右。给出了辐射特性,辐射方向图,以及仿真结果,为宽频带的无线通信的研究提供了一种新的研究方向。 A new broadband circularly polarized slot antenna using metasurface for C-band satellite communication application is proposed. The antenna has a size of 0. 46λ0× 0. 46λ0 and a thickness of 0. 06λ0( λ0 is a free space wavelength with a frequency of 5. 25 GHz). In the process of design,the working mechanism of metasurface circular polarization is analyzed by using equivalent circuit method,and the influencing factors of antenna circular polarization bandwidth are analyzed and the parameters scanning are carried out at the same time.The simulation results show that the relative bandwidth of the antenna is about 28. 6 %,the 3 d B axis ratio bandwidth is about 19 %,and the gain of the antenna is about 7. 9 d Bi in the impedance bandwidth. Radiation characteristics,radiation pattern and simulation results are given,which provide a new research direction for the research of broadband wireless communication.
作者 董成杰 陈明 苗倩 王开开 邢琼 DONG Chengjie;CHEN Ming;MIAO Qian;WANG Kaikai;XING Qiong(School of Electronic Engineering,Xi’an University of Posts and Telecommunications,Xi’an 710121,China)
出处 《传感器与微系统》 CSCD 2020年第11期71-73,77,共4页 Transducer and Microsystem Technologies
基金 西安邮电大学研究生创新基金资助项目(CXJJLY2018025,CXJJLY2018026)。
关键词 C波段 超表面 圆极化 轴比带宽 阻抗带宽 C band metasurface circular polarization axial ratio bandwidth impedance bandwidth
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