
新时代我国食育扶贫理论与实践模式探索——内蒙古自治区通辽市库伦旗食育扶贫试点总结 被引量:4

Exploration of Theory and Practice of Food Education for Poverty Alleviation in New Era——Summary of Pilot Project of Food Education for Poverty Alleviation in Kulun Banner, Tongliao City, Inner Mongolia, China
摘要 2020年是我国打赢脱贫攻坚战和全面建成小康社会的收官之年,我国扶贫工作逐步实现从单一维度到多维度、从阶段性目标到长效机制、从外力推动到主体能动等方面转变。结合国内外食育相关理论与发展,2018年中国科学院食育团队率先提出"食育扶贫"模式。该模式与健康中国、乡村振兴、可持续发展等重大战略目标一致、有效衔接。中国科学院食育团队遵循"调研先行、科学引领、实践探索"的原则,在国家级贫困县——内蒙古自治区通辽市库伦旗开展食育扶贫试点工作,探索实践经验,逐步形成多主体参与、可复制、可推广的扶贫新模式。通过对库伦旗试点工作的总结和深入研究发现,食育扶贫应采取"政府主导、科研促进、学校为主、家庭配合"的模式,注重不同区域的差异性,力求构建多主体参与的长效机制。 2020 is the final year to win the battle against poverty and to achieve the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all aspects. China’s poverty alleviation is gradually transforming from a single dimension to multiple dimensions, from achieving phased goals to establishing long-term mechanisms, and from growth led by external driving forces to self-motivated approaches. Integrating the practices and theoretical development of food education at home and abroad, in 2018, the research team of food education of Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS) took the lead in proposing "food education for poverty alleviation". This model is consistent with major strategic goals such as Healthy China, Rural Revitalization, and Sustainable Development Goals, all of which can be effectively connected. Following the principle of "investigation first, scientific guidance, and practical exploration", the research team of food education of CAS carries out the pilot work of food education for poverty alleviation in Kulun. The team explores practical applications on the basis of theories of food education for poverty alleviation while building a government-led, multi-agent, replicable, and extendable model. It can effectively improve the existing system of poverty alleviation and further consolidate the results of poverty alleviation. Faced with new problems and challenges in the new era, food education for poverty alleviation should gradually build a long-term mechanism with multi-participants. On the basis of the pilot work, we should continuously summarize the experience, improve the existing system, and gradually apply it to other areas.
作者 刘晓洁 苏洋 管晓慧 黄琼 张铜会 程书波 宗耕 LIU Xiaojie;SU Yang;GUAN Xiaohui;HUANG Qiong;ZHANG Tonghui;CHENG Shubo;ZONG Geng(Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China;Shanghai Institute of Nutrition and Health,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Shanghai 200031,China;School of Emergency Management,Henan Polytechnic University,Jiaozuo 454000,China;National Institute of Education Sciences,Beijing 100088,China;Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Lanzhou 730000,China)
出处 《中国科学院院刊》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2020年第10期1298-1307,共10页 Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金(71874178、81922060) 中国科学院科技扶贫项目(KFJ-FP-202002)。
关键词 扶贫 食育扶贫 可持续发展 扶贫成果 poverty alleviation poverty alleviation model of food education sustainable development achievements in poverty alleviation
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