
液质联用仪在食品安全检测中的应用 被引量:6

Application of LC/MS in Food Safety Inspection
摘要 食品安全管理是重要的民生事业,关乎千万人民的生活质量,本文针对液质联用仪在食品安全检测中的应用展开研究,充分利用液质联用技术,开展农药残留、兽药残留、添加剂分析与微量元素分析等的分析工作,对提高食品安全检测的质量和效率具有积极的现实意义。 Food safety management is an important cause of people’s livelihood and is related to the quality of life of millions of people.This article will conduct research on the application of LC/MS in food safety testing,hoping to play a positive practical significance and make full use of The liquid-mass spectrometry technology is used in pesticide residues,veterinary drug residues,additive analysis,trace element analysis and other aspects to improve the quality and efficiency of food safety testing.
作者 侯晓 母艳萍 聂迪 Hou Xiao;Mu Yanping;Nie Di(Yongcheng Quality and Technical Supervision,Inspection and Testing Center,Yongcheng 476600,China)
出处 《现代食品》 2020年第20期137-138,141,共3页 Modern Food
关键词 液质联用仪 食品安全检测 应用研究 LC/MS Food safety testing Application research
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