
预应力UHPC-T梁抗剪性能试验研究 被引量:3

Experimental Study on Shear Behavior of Prestressed UHPC-T Beam
摘要 通过3根UHPC-T梁的抗剪试验,研究超高性能混凝土的剪切破坏形态以及抗剪承载力,并根据试验结果分析了影响抗剪性能的因素;同时基于ABAQUS分别建立了3根试验梁的有限元实体模型,与试验结果进行对比验证,结果表明有限元分析和试验吻合良好;在仿真分析的基础上详细分析了预应筋率、纵筋率、配箍率、UHPC抗拉强度等参数对试验梁抗剪性能的影响,分析结果表明:预应力筋率和纵筋率的提高对抗剪承载力的影响不大,增加配箍率可以有效提高抗剪承载力,而UHPC抗拉强度对结构的抗剪性能影响较大。 Based on the shear tests of three UHPC-T beams,the shear failure modes and shear capacity of UHPC were studied,and the factors affecting the shear behaivo were analyzed according to the test results.At the same time,the finite element solid models of three UHPC-T beams were established based on ABAQUS,which were compared with the test results.The finite element analysis correlated well with the tests.On the basis of the simulation analysis,the influence of prestressing tendons ratio,longitudinal reinforcement ratio,stirrup ratio and UHPC tensile strength on the shear behavior of the test beam were analyzed in detail.The results show that the increase of prestressing tendons ratio and longitudinal reinforcement ratio has little effect on the shear capacity,while the increase of stirrup ratio can effectively improve the shear capacity,and the tensile strength of UHPC has a great influence on the shear behavior of the structure.
作者 童汉元 刘海波 TONG Hanyuan;LIU Haibo(College of Civil Engineering,Hunan University,Changsha,Hunan 410082,China;Hunan Transportation and Water Conservancy Construction Group Co.,Ltd.,Changsha,Hunan 410076,China)
出处 《公路工程》 北大核心 2020年第5期56-62,共7页 Highway Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51278183) 陕西省交通运输厅科研计划项目(14-18K)。
关键词 预应力 超高性能混凝土梁 剪跨比 有限元分析 试验研究 抗剪承载力 prestressed UHPC beam shear span ratio finite element analysis experimental research shear strength
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