
考虑跨线列车的高速铁路能力最大化合理利用研究 被引量:5

Research on Maximum Reasonable Utilization of High-speed Railway Capacity Considering Off-line Trains
摘要 分析目前高速铁路能力利用的优化方法,基于高速铁路物理网引入时间维度构建高速铁路时空网,且将跨线列车列入研究对象,列车的停站作业和跨线作业分别用带有时间权重的停站弧和跨线弧来表示。在现有列车开行方案的基础上,考虑列车最小间隔时间等约束,建立整数规划模型,通过优化生成高速铁路本线和跨线列车的时刻表和部分列车的停站方案来实现高速铁路的能力利用优化,旨在最大化列车开行数和最小化列车总运行时间。使用交替方向乘子法(ADMM)求解模型,提高了求解效率。最后以京沪高速铁路为例,对其能力利用进行优化。 This paper analyzed the current capacity optimization methods of high-speed railway,and built the space-time network based on the time-discrete physical network of high-speed railway.Therefore,the train stopping and train off-line operation was represented by stopping arc and off-line arc respectively with different time weights.Considering the constraint of minimum train headway time,an integer programming model was proposed based on the line planning.The capacity optimization of high-speed railway was realized by collaboratively optimizing main-line and off-line train timetable and stopping plans of some trains,aiming at maximizing the number of service trains and minimizing the total travel time.Alternating direction method of multipliers(ADMM)was used to solve the problem and improve the solving efficiency.Finally,the case study of the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway was conducted to test the model and the algorithm.
作者 王宇强 魏玉光 商攀 张进川 WANG Yuqiang;WEI Yuguang;SHANG Pan;ZHANG Jinchuan(School of Traffic and Transportation,Beijing Jiaotong University,Beijing 100044,China)
出处 《铁道学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第10期23-29,共7页 Journal of the China Railway Society
基金 国家重点研发计划(2018YFB1201402)。
关键词 高速铁路能力 跨线列车 时刻表 停站方案 时空网络 交替方向乘子法 high-speed railway capacity off-line trains timetable stopping plan space-time network ADMM
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