
非水可再生能源电力消纳责任权重划分下的全国绿证中长期跨省交易测算分析 被引量:17

Green Certificate Transaction Analysis in China Under Responsibility for Non-water Renewable Energy Integration Ratio
摘要 化石燃料的过分使用造成了全球严重的生态和能源问题,全世界都在积极地开发利用可再生能源。为促进新能源消纳、缓解财政补贴压力,中国政府引入配额制和可再生能源绿色能源证书(以下简称绿证)制度。文章建立了考虑非水可再生能源随机性的配额制绿证中长期二次交易模型,并用拉格朗日对偶松弛将不确定性场景解耦求解克服"维数灾"的挑战。然后以省为责任主体,用中国实际电力系统非水可再生能源发展消纳责任权重对全国省际绿证交易量及消纳责任进行测算。最后通过算例分析展示了在配额制下非水可再生能源的流动方向,并表明放开二次交易将对可再生能源的消纳起到极大的促进作用,有利于配额制和绿证制度的实施。 Due to the serious global ecological and energy problems caused by the overuse of fossil fuels,the world is thus actively exploiting and utilizing renewable energy for electrical power generation.In order to promote the integration of new energy resources and relieve the pressure of financial subsidies,the Chinese government has introduced renewable portfolio standard(RPS)and green certificate policies.This paper establishes a long-term secondary trading model of RPS considering the stochastic renewable energy nature.For the curse of dimensionality from the large number of possible scenarios,the Lagrange dual relaxation method is employed to decouple the model in the sense of scenarios that can be handled in parallel.Finally,the provincial responsibility is considered in this paper and the volumes of inter-provincial green certificate transactions are calculated,where the responsibility weight for non-water renewable energy integration in China is derived from the practical data.The results show the trading of non-water renewable energy flow under the RPS,and indicate that the liberalization of the second trade will play a great role in promoting the accommodation of non-water renewable energy,which is conducive to the implementation of the quota system and the green certificate system.
作者 曲明 丁涛 白佳文 贺元康 刘瑞丰 陈天恩 QU Ming;DING Tao;BAI Jiawen;HE Yuankang;LIU Ruifeng;CHEN Tianen(State Key Lab of Electrical Insulation and Power Equipment(Xi’an Jiaotong University),Xi’an 710049,Shaanxi Province,China;Northwest Branch of State Grid Corporation of China,Xi’an 710048,Shaanxi Province,China)
出处 《电网技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2020年第10期3885-3892,共8页 Power System Technology
基金 国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFB0901100) 中国博士后科学基金项目(2017T100748) 国家电网公司科技项目“适用能源互联网的新能源电量库交易市场机制研究”。
关键词 配额制 绿书 随机规划 拉格朗日对偶松弛 renewable portfolio standard green certificate stochastic programming Lagrange dual relaxation
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