

Risk factors for noncompliance during bladder perfusion in patients with postoperatie bladder cancer
摘要 目的:探讨导致接受手术治疗后的膀胱癌患者在进行膀胱灌注期间其出现不遵医行为的危险因素。方法:选择2015年11月至2019年11月期间在绵竹市人民医院接受手术治疗后进行膀胱灌注的120例膀胱癌患者作为研究对象。采用logistic回归分析法对这120例患者的临床资料进行回顾性研究,分析导致其在进行膀胱灌注期间其出现不遵医行为的危险因素。结果:在这120例患者中,遵医嘱接受膀胱灌注的患者有32例(占比26.67%),不遵医嘱接受膀胱灌注的患者有88例(占比73.33%)。对这88例患者遵医行为的影响因素进行单因素Logistic分析的结果显示,性别、文化程度、月收入的情况、对疾病认知的程度均是导致其在接受膀胱灌注期间其出现不遵医行为的影响因素。对影响这88例患者遵医行为的独立危险因素进行多因素Logistic分析的结果显示,性别为男性、对疾病知识不了解、文化程度较低及家庭经济条件较差均是导致其在接受膀胱灌注期间其出现不遵医行为的独立危险因素。结论:导致接受手术治疗后的膀胱癌患者在进行膀胱灌注期间出现不遵医行为的独立危险因素包括性别为男性、对疾病知识不了解、文化程度较低及家庭经济条件较差。 Objective:To investigate the risk factors of noncompliance in patients with bladder cancer after surgical treatment during bladder perfusion.Methods:120 patients with bladder cancer who received bladder perfusion after surgical treatment in Mianzhu People's Hospital from November 2015 to November 2019 were selected as study subjects.The clinical data of 120 patients were analyzed retrospectively by logistic regression analysis,and the risk factors leading to noncompliance during bladder perfusion were analyzed.Results:Among the 120 patients,32(26.67%)received bladder perfusion as prescribed by the doctor,and 88(73.33%)received bladder perfusion as prescribed by the doctor.Univariate Logistic analysis was performed on the influencing factors of medical compliance behavior of these 88 patients,and the results showed that gender,education,monthly income,and cognition of disease were all influencing factors that led to non-compliance behavior during bladder perfusion.Multivariate Logistic analysis of the independent risk factors influencing the medical compliance behavior of the 88 patients showed that male gender,poor knowledge of the disease,low educational level and poor family economic conditions were all independent risk factors that led to the non-compliance behavior during the bladder perfusion period.Conclusions:Independent risk factors for noncompliance during bladder perfusion were male sex,poor knowledge of the disease,low educati onal level,and poor family economic conditions in patients with bla dder cancer after surgery.
作者 向娟 毛静 Xiang Juan;Mao Jing(Mianzhu People's Hospital,Mianzhu Sichuan 618200)
机构地区 绵竹市人民医院
出处 《当代医药论丛》 2020年第19期63-65,共3页
关键词 膀胱癌 经尿道膀胱肿瘤等离子电切术 遵医嘱行为 相关性 bladder cancer Transurethral plasma resection of bladder tumor Behavior as directed by a doctor The correlation
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