
现代性视域下的韩非法思想研究 被引量:1

A Study of Hanfei’s Legal Thought from the Perspective of Modernity
摘要 作为法家的集大成者,韩非子汲取《老子》的"道"思想与荀子的人性论思想作为其法思想的精神根基,兼收并蓄先秦法家诸子的法思想,从而形成先秦法思想的高峰,也是中国法思想极为重要的内容。韩非对法的性质、法的形式、法的功能都做出了具体的规定,并从发展的观点指出法应与时俱进。韩非的法思想,成为中央集权思想的法律支持,富国强兵的工具,在中国历史上影响甚大,其积极意义与消极价值都非常明显。从现代性视域审视韩非法思想,发掘其中的现代性基因,运用哈贝马斯的现代性思想,昌明传统,融化新知,对韩非法思想做现代性诠释,注入符合时代精神与现代文明的内涵,使韩非法思想现代化,既是中国传统思想的现代绵延,又是中国传统的创造性转生。 As a master of Legalists,Han Fei absorbed the thought of"Tao"in Laozi and the thought of human nature in Xunzi as the spiritual foundation of his legalist thought,and absorbed the legalist thoughts of the pre Qin period,thus becoming the peak of the legalist thought of the pre Qin period,which is also an extremely important content of Chinese legalist thought.Han Fei made specific provisions on the nature,form and function of law,and pointed out that law should keep pace with the times from the perspective of development.Han Fei’s thought of law has become the legal support of the thought of centralization and the tool of enriching the country and strengthening the army.It has a great influence on Chinese history,and its positive and negative values are very obvious.From the perspective of modernity,with Habermas’s modernity thoughts,this paper examines the legal thought of Han Fei,explores its modernity gene,melts the new knowledge,injects the connotation in line with the spirit of the times and modern civilization,and modernizes the legal thought of Han Fei,which is not only the modern extension of Chinese traditional thoughts,but also the creative rebirth of Chinese tradition.
作者 解启扬 XIE Qiyang(China University of Political Science and Law)
机构地区 中国政法大学
出处 《中国政法大学学报》 CSSCI 2020年第4期5-14,206,共11页 Journal Of CUPL
基金 “北京高校中国特色社会主义理论研究协同创新中心(中国政法大学)”阶段性成果。
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