
笛卡尔与维特根斯坦论心理学话语的不对称性 被引量:1

The Discussions of Descartes and Wittgenstein on Psychological Discourse Asymmetry
摘要 现在时第一人称与第三人称心理学话语存在确实性方面的不对称性,这是笛卡尔通过“我思”发现的重要心理现象。但是,对于如何理解这种不对称现象的根源,笛卡尔和维特根斯坦存在着重大分歧。笛卡尔使用知识断言形成二元论的解释,将第一人称心理学话语看作我对自己心理的报道,将第三人称话语看作他通过他人外在言行的证据而间接推及的猜测。在维特根斯坦看来,这种知识断言解释既使第一人称话语失去了笛卡尔所宣称的要加以保障的确实性,也使对第三人称话语的理解陷入彻底的怀疑论。维特根斯坦通过对心理概念的语法分析而提供了一套颠覆笛卡尔主义、揭示心理现象本性的创造性解释,他认为:现在时第一人称心理学话语是一个人心理的直接表达,具有与人类其他原始行为一样无可辩驳的确实性;现在时第三人称心理学话语则涉及将他人的外在言行与内在心理紧密关联起来的心理模式。他经由对“看作”两种用法的仔细辨析而发现了人的心理模式,彻底揭开了第三人称心理学话语中确实性和不确实性的真正根源,也深入批判了笛卡尔二元论据此产生的“名称和对象”模型,从而与心理主义和行为主义都划清了界限。 There is an asymmetry of certainty for psychological discourses between first person and third person in the present tense,which is an important psychological phenomenon discovered by Descartes through his“cogito”.However,Descartes and Wittgenstein have significant differences on how to understand the root of this asymmetry phenomenon.Descartes forms a dualistic explanation via knowledge assertion,regarding the psychological discourses in first person as one’s own mental report,and the discourses in third person as the indirect conjecture through others’external speech and action as evidence.According to Wittgenstein,however,such a knowledge assertion explanation deprives the discourses in first person of their certainty,which is claimed to be guaranteed by Descartes,and makes the understanding to the discourses in third person fall into a radical skepticism.Wittgenstein provides a set of creative explanations,which overturn Cartesianism and reveal the nature of psychological phenomena through the grammatical analysis of psychological concepts.For Wittgenstein,the discourses in first person are direct mental expressions,which have the same indisputable certainty as other human primitive actions,while the discourses in third person refers to the psychological pattern in which others’outer speech and action is closely related to their inner mentality.Therefore,by way of his careful discrimination in the two uses of“seeing”and the discovery of psychological pattern,Wittgenstein thoroughly uncovers the real roots of certainty and uncertainty for the discourses in third person,deeply criticizes the model of“name and object”,which is caused by the Cartesian dualism,and finally draws a sharp line with mentalism and behaviorism.
作者 张学广 ZHANG Xueguang(School of Philosophy, Northwest University, Xi’an 710127, China)
出处 《同济大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第5期1-7,共7页 Journal of Tongji University:Social Science Edition
基金 国家社会科学基金西部项目“维特根斯坦哲学解释史研究”(项目编号:15XZX011)。
关键词 笛卡尔 维特根斯坦 人称 心理学话语 不对称性 Descartes Wittgenstein person psychological discourse asymmetry
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