
色纺段彩纱的呈色机理及其织物外观风格仿真设计 被引量:2

Color Rendering Mechanism of Segment Colored Yarn andSimulation Design of Fabric Appearance Style
摘要 为了开发快速有效的色纺段彩纱仿真设计技术,从色纺段彩纱的生产工艺出发,在分析段彩纱的生产控制与颜色分布关系的基础上,推导出纱线混色占比公式,研究了沿纱线长度方向上任意位置点颜色信息的计算方法;依据Stearns-Noechel模型全光谱匹配颜色算法,求得从不同颜色组份的纤维到粗纱、再到纱线的混色光谱反射率,最后转换为显示器设备相关的RGB色彩模式,实现了色纺段彩纱织物颜色的仿真设计。然后,结合Peirce线圈几何模型,将组织点可见部分与真实纱线颜色信息相匹配,结合不同段彩纱生产工艺,实例验证了色纺段彩纱织物颜色的仿真设计效果。结果表明:仿真设计出的色纺段彩纱织物外观风格示意图与实际色纺段彩纱织物风格非常接近,为色纺段彩纱仿真设计技术的实际应用奠定了基础。 In order to develop a fast and effective simulation design technology for segment colored yarn,the formula of yarn blending ratio was derived based on the production process of the segment colored yarn and the analysis of the relationship between production control and color distribution of segment colored yarns.The calculation method of color information at any position along the length of the yarn was studied.According to the full spectrum matching color algorithm of Stearns-Noechel model,the mixed spectral reflectance of fibers from different color components to roving and then to yarn was obtained.Finally,it was converted into the RGB color mode related to the display device,and the simulation design of the color of the segment colored yarn fabric was realized.Then,combined with the geometry model of Peirce coil,the visible part of the weave point was matched with the actual yarn color information.Combined with the different production process of segment colored yarn,the simulation design effect of the segment colored yarn fabric color was verified by the example.The results show that the appearance style pattern of the segment colored yarn fabric simulated by the simulation is very close to the actual style of segment colored yarn fabric.It lays a foundation for the practical application of the simulation design technology for segment colored yarn.
作者 郭宇飞 范运舫 付东 应双双 周赳 周华 GUO Yufei;FAN Yunfang;FU Dong;YING Shuangshuang;ZHOU Jiu;ZHOU Hua(College of Materials Science and Textiles,Zhejiang Sci-Tech University,Hangzhou 310018,China;Hangzhou Honghua Digital Technology Co.,Ltd.,Hangzhou 310052,China)
出处 《现代纺织技术》 2020年第6期17-23,共7页 Advanced Textile Technology
关键词 色纺纱 段彩纱 织物 仿真 混色 colored spun yarn segment colored yarn textile simulation color mixing
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