

The Active Role of Overseas Chinese in the Construction of the Belt and Road from the Perspective of System Theory
摘要 “一带一路”是开放的、动态的、多样的有机社会系统,沿线国家相互联系、共同发展。海外侨胞具有特殊地位和作用,是中国的独特资源和宝贵财富,在“一带一路”建设中,能够发挥重要作用。以系统论为视角,深刻认识“一带一路”系统的本质要求和基本特征,凝聚侨心侨力,发挥海外侨胞在“一带一路”建设中的积极作用。一方面,海外侨胞作为系统要素最活跃的“细胞”,在“一带一路”建设中,发挥联通中外的独特优势,贡献“侨力”。另一方面,推动系统与要素间相互作用的双向建构,把海外侨胞作为要素的特性和“一带一路”系统的发展要求结合起来,以民心相通促进“一带一路”互联互通,打造成为共同发展、造福人民之路。 The Belt and Road is an open,dynamic,and diverse organic social system in which countries along it are interconnected and developing together.The overseas Chinese have a special status and role.They are China’s unique resources and precious treasure that can play an important role in the construction of theBelt and Road.From the perspective of system theory,we should deeply understand the essential requirements and basic characteristics of the Belt and Road system,gather the power of overseas Chinese,and give play to the active role of overseas Chinese in the construction of the Belt and Road.On the one hand,as the most active“cell”of the system elements,overseas Chinese will have the unique advantage of linking both China and foreign countries.On the other hand,we should promote the two-way construction of system and element interaction,combine the characteristics of overseas Chinese as an element with the development requirements of the Belt and Road system,and enhance the interconnection of countriesalong the Belt and Road with closer people-to-people ties,making it a road for common development and people’s wellbeing.
作者 李忠壹 LI Zhongyi(School of Marxism,Shenyang University of Chemical Technology,Shenyang 110142,China)
出处 《辽宁大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第4期167-171,共5页 Journal of Liaoning University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
基金 2019年辽宁省统战理论研究课题“发挥海外侨胞在‘一带一路’建设中的积极作用”的研究成果。
关键词 系统论视角 海外侨胞 “一带一路” 民心相通 perspective of systemtheory overseas Chinese the Belt and Road people-to-people ties
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