
港澳青年创业扶持政策实施的多源流分析 被引量:6

The Multiple-Streams Model to Youth Entrepreneurship’s Supporting Policy of Hong Kong and Macao in the Greater Bay Area
摘要 推动港澳青年在粤港澳大湾区创业是支持港澳融入国家发展大局、全面推进内地同港澳互利合作的重大战略性举措。以金登的三源流模型分析港澳青年创业扶持政策的制定与实施过程,发现问题源流是由港澳创业青年面临的体制机制性问题构成,政策源流则由政府部门及官员、人大代表、政协委员、专家学者、企业家等组成的政策共同体推动,他们的建议在政策制定系统中漂进漂出。政治源流体现在港澳青年思维逐渐变化、社会舆论以及党政机构及领导人的高度重视,促使港澳青年创业的政策建议进入决策系统。中国共产党十九大报告提出粤港澳大湾区建设的重大国家战略开启了政策之窗,政策企业家抓住机遇促使三条源流汇聚,有效推动港澳青年创业扶持政策落地。 Promoting youth entrepreneurship of Hong Kong and Macao in the greater bay area is an important measure to support Hong Kong and Macao’s integration into China’s overall development and comprehensively promote the mutually beneficial cooperation between the mainland and Hong Kong and Macao.Through the analysis on policy process of youth entrepreneurship of Hong Kong and Macao by the Kingdon’s multiple-streams model,the problem stream is made up by the system mechanical problems which the young entrepreneurs from Hong Kong and Macao face,the policy stream is formed by the community of government departments and officials,representatives of NPC and CPPCC,experts and scholars,entrepreneurs,in which their suggestion floating into and out the policy formulation system.The political stream is reflected in the thinking transformation of the young people in Hong Kong and Macao,the public opinion and the attentions by government,which promote the suggestions of the young entrepreneurs of Hong Kong and Macao entering the decision-making system.The national development strategy of the Guangdong,Hong Kong and Macao greater bay area proposed at 19th CPC National Congress opened a policy window,and the policy entrepreneurs seized the opportunity to promote the convergence of the three streams,and effectively promoted the implementation of the policy on youth entrepreneurship of Hong Kong and Macao.
作者 方木欢 Fang Muhuan(Institute of Guangdong,Hong Kong and Macao Development Studies,Sun Yat-sen University)
出处 《当代青年研究》 CSSCI 2020年第6期58-63,共6页 Contemporary Youth Research
基金 中山大学青年教师培育项目“多源流视域下大湾区港澳青年创业扶持政策研究”的阶段性成果,项目编号:19wkpy105。
关键词 粤港澳大湾区 港澳青年创业 多源流模型 Guangdong,Hong Kong and Macao Greater Bay Area Youth Entrepreneurship of Hong Kong and Macao Multiple-streams Framework
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