
模拟盲人体验在《情绪智力》课程中对护理本科生同理心的培养 被引量:2

Development of blind simulated in empathy training for emotional intelligence course of nursing undergraduates
摘要 目的探讨模拟盲人体验在《情绪智力》课程中对护理本科生同理心培养的应用效果。方法选取2016级、2017级全日制护理本科生共146名为研究对象,其中对照组为2016级护理本科生167名,教授《情绪智力》课程;观察组为2017级护理本科79名,在《情绪智力》实践课中应用模拟盲人体验活动。两组同学均采用Jefferson同理心量表测量护生教学前后的同理心水平,并通过问卷调查评价观察组护生对模拟盲人体验教学的认同度,同时通过书写学习体验报告提炼有意义主题,以评价教学效果。结果对照组护生教学前后的同理心水平评分分别为(100.52±2.94)分和(103.38±4.17)分,差异无统计学意义(t=3.896,P>0.05)。观察组护生经过模拟盲人体验教学前后,同理心水平评分分别为(101.13±4.87)分和(110.22±5.20)分,差异具有统计学意义(t=15.454,P<0.05);护生对教学满意度及课程兴趣度均为97.5%(77/79),有98.7%(78/79)学生认为课程有助于指导今后护理实践中的行为且愿意继续进行这种教学;针对学生学习体验报告提炼出4个主题。结论模拟盲人体验对提升护生同理心水平有积极推动意义。 Objective To explore the effect of blind simulated in empathy training for emotional intelligence course of nursing undergraduates.Methods A total of 146 sophomore nursing undergraduates in the years of 2016 and 2017 were selected as the subjects of the study as the control group and the observation group respectively.The simulated blind experience activities were applied in the emotional intelligence practice class of 79 nursing undergraduates of in the observation group.The empathy level of nursing undergraduates before and after teaching was measured by Jefferson scale of empathy,the observation group approval of teaching were investigated through questionnaires and refining meaningful themes.Results The control group'score of empathy before teaching was(100.52±2.94),and(103.38±4.17)after teaching.There was no significant difference(t=3.896,P>0.05).The observation group'score of empathy after teaching was(110.22±5.20),which was higher than that before teaching(101.13±4.87),there was was statistically significant difference(t=15.454,P<0.05).The results of the questionnaire survey showed that 97.5%(77/79)had a strong satisfaction and interest in teaching,and 98.7%(78/79)of the student suggested continuing the teaching.Four themes were distilled.Conclusion The blind simulated has positive significance in promoting the level of empathy of nursing undergraduates.
作者 朱莎 邰春玲 陶惠 王旖旎 刘旭 Zhu Sha;Tai Chunling;Tao Hui;Wang Yini;Liu Xu(Department of Cardiology,The Second Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University,Harbin Heilongjang 150086;Department of Ophthalmology,The Second Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University,Harbin Heilongjang 150086)
出处 《护士进修杂志》 2020年第21期1933-1936,共4页 Journal of Nurses Training
基金 黑龙江省教育科学“十三五”规划2017年度青年专项课题(编号:GBD1317055)。
关键词 盲人模拟 同理心 体验式教学法 情绪智力课程 护理本科生 Blind simulation Empathy Experiential teaching Emotional intelligence course Nursing undergraduates
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