
创业团队认同一定会提升创业协同效率吗? 被引量:8

Does Entrepreneurial Team Identity Definitely Improve Entrepreneurial Collaboration Efficiency?
摘要 本文运用体验抽样法开展创业追踪调查,基于社会认同理论的“归属感”和“同一性”视角,探究创业团队认同对创业协同效率的影响。研究发现,创业团队认同与创业协同效率之间存在先升后降的关系,创业努力在这一过程中发挥非线性中介作用。具体而言,随着创业团队认同的增加,一方面,创业者由于强烈的归属感导致努力创业的动机增强,激发创业者激情,提高创业者努力程度,进而提升创业协同效率;另一方面,创业团队认同导致的同一性使创业者强化外群体偏见,降低创业危机感,减少创业者努力程度,进而降低创业协同效率。此外,创业者的反馈倾向特质能显著增强创业努力与创业协同效率之间的正向关系。本研究提出“认知—行为—结果”的框架,揭示了创业团队认同对创业协同效率的影响机制,对于团队认同以及创业效率等研究有着重要意义,对于管理实践也极具启发价值。 Using the experience sampling method to conduct an entrepreneurial tracking survey,this paper explores the impact of entrepreneurial team identity on entrepreneurial collaboration efficiency based on the“sense of belonging”perspective and the“oneness”perspective from the social identity theory.The study finds that there exists an inverted U-shaped relationship between entrepreneurial team identity and entrepreneurial collaboration efficiency;and entrepreneurial effort plays a non-linear mediating role in such relationship.Specifically,with the increase of entrepreneurial team identity,on the one hand,the sense of belonging motivates entrepreneurs to put more effort,inspires entrepreneurs’passion,increases the level of entrepreneurial effort,and thus improves entrepreneurial collaboration efficiency;on the other hand,the oneness from entrepreneurial team identity allows entrepreneurs to strengthen the out-group bias,reduces crisis awareness,decreases entrepreneurial effort,and thus reduces entrepreneurial collaboration efficiency.In addition,this paper finds that entrepreneurs’feedback orientation significantly enhances the positive relationship between entrepreneurial effort and entrepreneurial collaboration efficiency.This paper contributes to team identity and entrepreneurship research in the following ways:First,it extends identity research to the entrepreneurial field,supplementing the psychological perspective of entrepreneurial team research.Second,it focuses on the within-individual variance of entrepreneurial team identity,and broadens the understanding of the dynamic nature of entrepreneurial team identity.Third,it answers previous scholars’call to investigate the“dark side”of team identity(Ashforth,et al.,2008;Luan and Xie,2014)and evidences the ambidexterity of entrepreneurial team identity.Fourth,it unravels the non-linear influencing mechanism from entrepreneurial team identity to entrepreneurial collaboration efficiency by proposing the mediating role of entrepreneurial effort,which contributes to entrepreneurial effort research.Finally,our research proposes the boundary conditions of influencing mechanism from entrepreneurial team identity to entrepreneurial collaboration efficiency.This paper also has important implications for management practice.First,entrepreneurs should realize the double-edged sword effect of entrepreneurial team identity,that is,the moderate level of entrepreneurial team identity is the best for improving entrepreneurial collaboration efficiency.Second,entrepreneurs are ought to be encouraged to put consistent effort to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams and intrigue their entrepreneurial passion considering that entrepreneurial effort is helpful for entrepreneurial collaboration efficiency.Third,cultivating entrepreneurs’feedback orientation is also essential in that the feedback orientation can significantly strengthen the positive relationship between entrepreneurial effort and entrepreneurial collaboration efficiency.
作者 李论 李纪珍 Li Lun;Li Jizhen(School of Economics and Management,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China)
出处 《外国经济与管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第11期3-19,共17页 Foreign Economics & Management
基金 国家自然科学基金(71772103)。
关键词 创业团队认同 创业努力 创业协同效率 反馈倾向 体验抽样法 entrepreneurial team identity entrepreneurial effort entrepreneurial collaboration efficiency feedback orientation experience sampling method
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