
物质文化理论中物的四重视域——以人工制品的考察为例 被引量:2

The Four Perspectives of Things in the Theory of Material Culture—Taking Artifacts as the Research Subject
摘要 人工制品是物质文化研究的关键问题。物质文化理论中的人工制品研究有四重视域:一是沿袭马克思主义经典路径,在生产环节中来考察作为商品的人工制品所导致的人的异化、商品化及物化后果;二是在人工制品客观化的过程中,盘诘体现主、客体关系的消费以及在拜物教化过程中通过人工制品所建构日常生活之方式;三是在主、客体杂合关系的立场上,以“事实拜物教”来反思物的界定方式;四是在混融的背景下利用人工制品呈现的新特点来关联具有主体间性的人与物间的关系,考察其如何以“栖居视角”进行对物质文化的反思,通过呈现出人工制品的物质史,来弥合人工制品物质性的争论。以人工制品为基点,通过回溯物质文化理论中人工制品的观念变化过程并分析所遭遇的问题,突破建立在主客二分的人、物关系局面,让物质文化研究的核心落脚在人与人、人与物、物与物混融的物质文化实践上。 Artifacts are the key issue to the study of material culture.There are four perspectives in the study of artifacts of material culture.The first is to observe the alienation,commercialization and materialization of human beings caused by artifacts in the process of production in classic path of Marxism.The second is to examine how artifacts construct the daily life in the process of objectification.The third is to reflect on the way of defining objects from the perspective of the mixture of subject and object.The fourth is to rethink the new features of artifacts,then investigate how artifacts reflect on the material culture in the dwelling perspective.Tracing back the concept changes of artifacts in the theory of material culture breaks through the situation of the relationship between human and things,which is based on the dichotomy of subject and object,and makes the core of material culture research in the daily practice among human beings,things and the whole world.
作者 张进 王眉钧 ZHANG Jin;WANG Mei-jun(School of Chinese Languages and Literatures,Lanzhou University,Lanzhou,Gansu,730000,PRC)
机构地区 兰州大学文学院
出处 《西北师大学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第6期62-70,共9页 Journal of Northwest Normal University(Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“丝绸之路审美文化中外互通问题研究”(17ZDA272)。
关键词 人工制品 物质文化 物质性 四重视域 artifacts material culture materiality four perspectives
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