
农户分化、代际差异对宅基地退出意愿的影响——基于宅基地价值认知的中介效应分析 被引量:61

Effect of farmer differentiation and generational differences on their willingness to exit rural residential land:Analysis of intermediary effect based on the cognition of the homestead value
摘要 自愿性原则是当前宅基地退出制度的重要实施基础,引导农户自愿有偿退出宅基地对于实现耕地保护目标、推动城镇化进程具有重要意义。本文以武汉城市圈483个实地调查样本为例,通过考察农户分化与宅基地退出意愿的关系,以及宅基地价值认知、代际差异在两者关系中的作用,探究农户分化对宅基地退出意愿的作用机制。研究结果显示:①农户分化对宅基地退出意愿的影响路径包括直接正向影响和通过宅基地价值认知产生的间接正向影响,直接效应占总效应48.54%,间接效应占总效应的51.46%;②代际差异对宅基地价值认知在农户分化与宅基地退出意愿间所扮演的中介作用起到了调节效应,新生代农户受到的宅基地价值认知中介作用更加强烈和显著,而老一代农户的宅基地价值认知中介作用被削弱并趋于不明显。因此,提升农户宅基地退出意愿应从提升农户非农就业水平与引导农户形成合理的宅基地价值认知两个方面着手,并对不同代际农户制定针对性的政策措施以推进宅基地有偿退出。 Voluntary principle is an important basis for the implementation of the ongoing rural residential land exit.Encouraging farmers to voluntarily exit from the rural residential land is of great significance for realizing the goal of cultivated land protection and promoting urbanization.This study used 483 samples from a survey of the Wuhan metropolitan area as an example.By investigating the relationship between farmer differentiation and their willingness to exit rural residential land,and the intermediary role of value cognition of rural residential land and generational difference in the relationship between them,this study explored the impact mechanism of farmer differentiation on the willingness to exit rural residential land.The results indicate that:(1)The effect of farmer differentiation on the willingness to exit rural residential land include direct positive effect and indirect positive effect through value cognition of rural residential land.The direct effect accounted for 48.54%of the total effect,and the indirect effect accounted for 51.46%of the total effect.(2)Generational difference had a regulating effect on the intermediary role of value cognition of rural residential land.The intermediary role of the young generation of farmers was more intense.But the intermediary role of the old-generation farmers’value cognition was weakened and tended to be inconspicuous.Therefore,this article put forward the following suggestions to promote farmers’willingness to exit rural residential land:improving famers’nonagricultural employment level;guiding farmers to form a reasonable value cognition of rural residential land;and formulating targeted policies and measures for different generational farmers to promote the rural residential land paid-exit.
作者 杨慧琳 袁凯华 陈银蓉 梅昀 王振伟 YANG Huilin;YUAN Kaihua;CHEN Yinrong;MEI Yun;WANG Zhenwei(College of Public Administration,Huazhong Agricultural University,Wuhan 430070,China;College of Politics,Law and Public Administration,Hubei University,Wuhan 430062,China)
出处 《资源科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2020年第9期1680-1691,共12页 Resources Science
基金 教育部社会科学研究项目(20YJAZH015,19YJC630179) 湖北省教育厅社会科学研究项目(18Q004)。
关键词 宅基地退出 农户分化 价值认知 代际差异 BOOTSTRAP法 武汉城市圈 rural residential land exit farmer differentiation value cognition generational difference Bootstrap method Wuhan Metropolitan Area
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