
欧洲油气公司2050年净零碳排放战略目标浅析 被引量:10

European oil and gas companies’strategic targets of net zero emissions by 2050
摘要 2019年12月至今,雷普索尔、BP、壳牌、挪威国家石油公司、埃尼、道达尔先后宣布了2050年实现净零碳排放战略目标。在国际油价低位徘徊、全球经济复苏乏力的困境下,欧洲油气公司在专注于能源产品生产过程中低碳排放的同时,更加关注能源产品的低碳转型。净零碳排放既是全球应对气候变化政策倒逼下欧洲油气公司的被动选择,也体现了传统能源企业主动转型的迫切要求。实施净零碳排放目标的路径包括:提高生产过程中的低碳化水平,降低企业直接和间接碳排放水平;加大天然气、可再生能源电力的供应比例,降低第三类温室气体排放水平;大力发展"碳抵消"。中国油气公司应理性看待欧洲油气公司的净零碳排放战略目标,重视海外油气资产的低碳化运营及新项目的投资决策;加大低碳科技研发投入和推广应用,通过科技创新提高传统能源的竞争力和可持续发展能力;既充分认清全球能源低碳转型的趋势,又要量力而行稳步推进,走出一条具有中国特色的差异化低碳发展道路。 Since December 2019,Repsol,BP,Shell,Equinor,Eni and Total have announced their low-carbon strategic targets of net zero carbon emissions by 2050.Under the plighta of low international oil price and lack of momentum for global economic recovery,the European oil and gas companies not only focus on the low-carbon emission reduction in the production process of energy products,but also pay more attention to the low-carbon transformation of energy products.The net zero carbon emission is not only a passive choice forced by the global policy to cope with climate change,but also an urgent requirement for the active transformation of traditional energy enterprises.The paths to implement the target include increasing the low-carbon level in the production process and reducing the direct and indirect carbon emission level of enterprises,increasing the supply ration of natural gas and renewable energy to reduce the greenhouse emissions level of Scope 3,and vigorously develop carbon offsets.Chinese oil and gas companies should take a rational view of the net zero carbon emission strategy,pay attention to low-carbon operation of overseas oil and gas assets and investment decision of new projects,increase investment in research and development,promote the application of low-carbon technologies,and improve the competitiveness and sustainability of traditional energy sources through scientific and technological innovation,fully understand the trend of global low-carbon energy transformation,and make steady progress according to our own capabilities,and finally explore a path of differentiated low-carbon development with Chinese characteristics.
作者 于航 刘强 于广欣 YU Hang;LIU Qiang;YU Guangxin(New Energy Research Center,CNOOC Research Institute LLC)
出处 《国际石油经济》 2020年第10期31-36,共6页 International Petroleum Economics
关键词 净零碳排放 能源转型 低油价 政策 气候变化 低碳发展 差异化 net-zero carbon emission energy transformation low oil prices policies climate change low-carbon development differentiation
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