
中东油气投资环境新变化 被引量:3

New changes of oil and gas investment environment in the Middle East
摘要 在地缘摩擦持续、国际油价暴跌、能源结构转型等因素的影响下,中东油气投资环境发生了新的变化。中东政治安全局势短时间内难以根本改善,但在全球能源结构转型中仍具有较强竞争力,主要资源国将继续扩大油气对外合作,中东仍将是国际石油公司最关注的油气合作地区。伊拉克脆弱的政治生态短时间无法改善,但是政治安全格局发生颠覆性变化的可能性很小;当前,伊拉克正重点推动天然气和勘探领域的国际合作。阿联酋政治局势稳定,油气资源丰富,投资环境国际化程度高,始终坚持通过国际合作推动本国油气资源开发。卡塔尔与周边国家断交,但是其油气合作财税条款优惠。伊朗政治局面总体稳定,"伊朗石油合同"条款有较大改善。阿曼油气投资环境较好,产品分成合同模式条款较为优惠和灵活。建议中国石油企业对中东地区油气合作加强地区政治安全风险防控,提升国际运营管理水平和核心竞争力,把握低碳能源趋势下的发展机会。 Influencing by the geopolitical instability,international oil prices tumbling,and energy structure transition,some changes have taken place in the Middle East oil and gas market.This paper analyzes that it wouldn’t improve better in the short time but will keep the strong competitiveness and major oil producing countries will further expand international oil and gas cooperation.It points out that the fragile political ecology in Iraq cannot be improved for a short time but a slight possibility of subversive changes in the political and security pattern.Currently,Iraq is focusing on promoting international cooperation in the field of gas and exploration.UAE enjoys a stable political situation,rich oil and gas resources and a highly internationalized investment environment and has always been committed to promoting the development of its oil and gas resources through international cooperation.While Qatar cut off relations with neighboring countries,but carries out preferential oil and gas cooperation tax terms.The political situation in Iran is generally stable,and the terms of the"Iranian oil contract"have improved considerably.Oman has a good investment environment for oil and gas,and the terms of the product-sharing contract are more favorable and flexible.It is suggested that Chinese oil companies should strengthen regional political and security risk prevention and control in oil and gas cooperation in the Middle East,improve international operation and management level and core competitiveness,and seize the development opportunities under the trend of low-carbon energy.
作者 肖岚 汪华 胡菁菁 XIAO Lan;WANG Hua;HU Jingjing(CNPC Middle East)
出处 《国际石油经济》 2020年第10期41-45,共5页 International Petroleum Economics
关键词 中东地区 油气市场 投资环境 国际油气合作 中国石油企业 the Middle East oil and gas market investment environment oil and gas cooperation Chinese oil companies
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