The fracture behaviour and crack propagation features of coal under coupled static-dynamic loading conditions are important when evaluating the dynamic failure of coal.In this study,coupled static-dynamic loading tests are conducted on Brazilian disc(BD)coal specimens using a modified split Hopkinson pressure bar(SHPB).The effects of the static axial pre-stress and loading rate on the dynamic tensile strength and crack propagation characteristics of BD coal specimens are studied.The average dynamic indirect tensile strength of coal specimens increases first and then decreases with the static axial pre-stress increasing.When no static axial pre-stress is applied,or the static axial pre-stress is 30%of the static tensile strength,the dynamic indirect tensile strength of coal specimens shows an increase trend as the loading rate increases.When the static axial pre-stress is 60%of the static tensile strength,the dynamic indirect tensile strength shows a fluctuant trend as the loading rate increases.According to the crack propagation process of coal specimens recorded by high-speed camera,the impact velocity influences the mode of crack propagation,while the static axial pre-stress influences the direction of crack propagation.The failure of coal specimens is a coupled tensile-shear failure under high impact velocity.When there is no static axial pre-stress,tensile cracks occur in the vertical loading direction.When the static axial pre-stress is applied,the number of cracks perpendicular to the loading direction decreases,and more cracks occur in the parallel loading direction.
supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.51804309)
the Yue Qi Young Scholar Project(2019QN02)
Distinguished Scholar Project(2017JCB02)from China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing,Open Fund of State Key Laboratory of Water Resource Protection and Utilization in Coal Mining(Grant No.SHJT-17-42.10)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.U1910206)
the fund of Beijing Outstanding Young Scientist Program(BJJWZYJH01201911413037)
the State Key Laboratory of Coal Resources and Safe Mining(Nos.SKLCRSM16KFB07,SKLCRSM16DCB01 and SKLCRSM17DC11)
Young Elite Scientists Sponsorship Program by CAST(2017QNRC001)
the key project of Key Laboratory of Coal Mine Safety and High Efficiency Mining Co-established by the Province and the Ministry(Anhui University of Science and Technology)(No.JYBSYS2018201).